May 1st, 2012

[info]genieinateapot in [info]grimmrealityooc

Okay! Hello lovelies. It's about time I introduce myself and my characters. I'm the Mod, my name's Willow and I can be reached on AIM at estelwillow or on email at

I currently have three characters in this game (and I'm currently doing the bio for a fourth, a bog-standard human :D);

Jessica Hawke - she's a fairy, of the Seelie kind. She's currently a councillor and does a lot of work with children. She's working towards her PhD so she can do child psychology and help children deal with difficult situations, particularly those in the foster system and stuff. She's friendly, outgoing and loves coffee shops. She'll talk to anyone, pretty much.

Oliver Lewis - Ollie's a nurse at Kings College Hospital. He's also a silver dragon, as such he's able to shapeshift to look like a human as they fascinate him. He's a hoarder of knowledge, not gold, and loves humanity even with all its flaws. There's a lot more information on him in his bio, but he'll chat to you and when he's not working, he's wandering around the city. He's got a bad habit of dropping anonymous tips to the police too if he sees something he doesn't agree with, unable to abide by injustice but not quite moved enough to do something about it.

Nathaniel - Nate is a Djinn. He's owned by Julian (whose bio is just being finished), currently and works in Julian's shop. He's as old as time and his vessel is a teapot. Not that he'll appreciate you pointing that out. Beggars can't be choosers, and all. He tends to be stuck near his vessel, he can get a couple of shops down and get across the road so doesn't have a habit of wandering far which annoys him somewhat. But hey, Julian's not so bad.

So, plot ideas, scenes, friendships/acquaintences, I'm up for them all so just give me a shout either here, via AIM or on Email. Now that the game's officially open, I look forward to playing with you guys :)

May 2012

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