06 December 2011 @ 11:31 am
HP: Flatmates - Christmas Eve (Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione; PG-13; Ficlet Series)  
Title: Flatmates: Christmas Eve (Part 6/?)
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione (eventually Harry/Draco/Ron/Hermione)
Rating: PG-13 (for this part.)
Length/Word Count: 772 words for this part.
Warnings/Content: none
Summary: Ron and Hermione are keeping secrets.
Notes: Written for [info]adventdrabbles and dedicated to the lovely [info]torino10154 who requested some Harry/Draco/Ron/Hermione an embarrassingly long time ago. Happy Christmas, bb! <3
This will be a series of 8-9 ficlets. Unbeta'd, so please forgive and/or point out any mistakes/errors you find!
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world I did not create. No copyright infringement intended.

Link to Part 1: Flatmates: Prologue
Link to Part 2: Flatmates: Breakfast
Link to Part 3: Flatmates: When in Doubt, Fake it
Link to Part 4: Flatmates: Caught
Link to Part 5: Flatmates: Possibilities

Flatmates: Christmas Eve

Granger was pissed. It was the first thing Draco noticed when she answered the door that evening and offered to take his cloak with a high lilt of a giggle in her voice. He spied Weasley next, sprawled out over the sofa, his ruddy red cheeks indicating he was in a similar state. He was staring at the different coloured fairies bouncing from branch to branch on the Christmas Tree. Draco was surprised for a moment that Granger’d allowed the decoration until he remembered a shop in Diagon Alley had been selling a “faux fairie” line. What was the world coming to nowadays?

“Where is Ha--Potter?”

“Finishing up some paperwork at the Ministry,” Weasley said, then took a long swallow of some sort of smokey frothy drink.

“On Christmas Eve? Aren’t you his partner?”

Weasley just shrugged and Granger patted Draco on the back. “He’ll be here shortly. Come on and sit down. Budge over Ron.”

Granger led him over to the sofa and smacked Weasley’s shoulder until he straightened, but at the last moment he grasped her by the waist and pulled her into his lap. Granger let out a horrifyingly girly giggle and playfully swatted at him, but it didn’t look as if she was trying too hard to get away.

“Come on, then,” Weasley patted his thigh with a teasing glint in his eyes. “There’s room for you, too.”

“Very funny, Weasel.” Draco pinched his lips and sat as far a way from the giggly couple as he could, perched on the edge of the sofa.

“Oh yeah, you just want to watch, don’t you?”

Draco’s eyes widened but before he could ask Weasley to clarify his statement, Granger smacked his shoulder and whispered something Draco couldn’t make out. She then turned back to Draco with a nervous smile. Draco couldn’t help but notice the way Weasley’s hand was splayed over her thigh, pulling her skirt up slightly.

“Oh, you need a drink! Ron, Draco needs a drink.” Granger slid off Weasley’s lap and pushed at his shoulder until he stood. “Make him the thing-”

“Right, right, right.”

Draco glanced at the glass Weasley had been drinking out of as he left the room. It gurgled and another puff of smoke blew out from the rim.

“Is that the thing?”

“Oh relax, Draco, you look positively horrified. It’s just a bit of Firewhisky and something else...not sure what, but it’s delicious.” Granger scooted closer to Draco on the couch and leaned in conspiratorially. “I’ve had two.”

She smiled. Draco expected her to pull away, but she just sat there far too close for comfort smiling at him.

“You’re drunk.”

“Just a little. Thought it would be a good idea for tonight. Take the edge off.” She winked, and laid back into the sofa. A moment later, her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, I’ve almost given it away! I do wish Harry would hurry home.”

“Given what away?” Draco narrowed his eyes. Just then Weasley came bumbling back into the room and dropped a steaming glass of whatever it was they were all drinking into Draco’s hand.

“Sorry, mate, not allowed to say. Harry made us promise we’d wait and open gifts when he got here.” He dropped down on the couch and wrapped his arms around Granger, pulling her back onto his lap. She giggled again, but Draco was willing to overlook the annoyance in light of this new information.

“Gifts? This is about my gift?” He whipped around to reexamine the tree in the corner, or more accurately the gifts piled beneath, but there were only the same presents sitting there as when he’d dropped off his own gifts for Weasley and Granger the night before and had been disappointed to note that none of the tags bared his name. “I don’t see my gift.”

“Some things are a bit tricky to wrap,” Granger said. She had a clever little smile on her face. It was disturbing.

“Drink up, Malfoy.” Ron said. “I think you might need it.”

“Oh isn’t it about time we dropped this whole surname nonsense? Especially considering...” Granger gave Weasley a look. Weasley smiled. It was perhaps more terrifying than Granger’s.

“All right. Draco. Bottom’s up!” He grabbed his drink and took a long swallow as Draco reached for his own. He had a feeling Weasley--or Ron was correct: Draco needed to catch up. He didn’t plan on spending one more minute of this evening sober.

Link to Part 7: Flatmates: Draco's Gift

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang[info]sdk on December 6th, 2011 07:31 pm (UTC)
Sorry, sorry, sorry, you know I am a horrible tease. :P Your patience will be rewarded, promise! :D
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