04 December 2011 @ 10:14 am
HP: Flatmates - Caught (Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione; NC-17; ficlet series)  
Title: Flatmates: Caught (Part 4/?)
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione (eventually Harry/Draco/Ron/Hermione)
Rating: NC-17
Length/Word Count: 605 words for this part.
Warnings/Content: Hand jobs, dirty talk
Summary: Draco didn’t have any excuse for why he was throwing himself up against the wall screaming Harry’s name, save for the truth of the matter, so he kept his mouth shut.
Notes: Written for [info]adventdrabbles and dedicated to the lovely [info]torino10154 who requested some Harry/Draco/Ron/Hermione an embarrassingly long time ago. Happy Christmas, bb! <3
This will be a series of 7-10 ficlets that will eventually have a christmas theme, promise! Unbeta'd, so please forgive and/or point out any mistakes/errors you find!
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world I did not create. No copyright infringement intended.

Link to Part 1: Flatmates: Prologue

Link to Part 2: Flatmates: Breakfast

Link to Part 3: Flatmates: When in Doubt, Fake it

Flatmates: Caught

“Oh yeah--Harry--harder. Shove your thick hard cock in my arse and fuck me--fuck me now!” Draco imagined their startled faces as they paused mid-thrust, the Weasel too jealous of Harry’s prowess to continue and Granger wishing she could see how gorgeous Draco was bent over and taking all of Harry’s length inch by inch. Then they would start again, rocking in pace to keep in time with Draco’s moans, letting visions of Harry and Draco bring them both off. “Oh Harry...just like that. Yes, just like that-”

“What are you doing?” A voice whispered into Draco’s ear, low and teasing. He’d been so caught up pretending he hadn’t noticed the real Harry slide up behind him, but now Draco could feel the heat of Harry’s body mere inches from his own and hot breath gusting across his neck.

Draco didn’t have any excuse for why he was throwing himself up against the wall screaming Harry’s name, save for the truth of the matter, so he kept his mouth shut. He was just glad Harry couldn’t see his face. Draco just knew he was blushing and he hated the pink splotches on his cheeks even when Harry called them adorable and kissed each one in turn.

“Are you trying to make them jealous?” Harry asked as a low moan emanated from the other room. “Or does listening to my flatmates fuck get you so hot you just can’t help yourself?”

To Draco’s mortification, Harry reached around and shoved his hand into Draco’s pajama bottoms and grasped his cock. Draco was hard, and not just the beginnings of arousal from having Harry near—no matter what he would like to claim—his cock had steadily begin to take notice of the proceedings next door long before Harry had gotten out of the shower.

“Are you imagining what it would be like if you could see them?” Harry slid his hand down Draco’s shaft, then cupped his balls, rolling them around in his palm. “Do you think Hermione’s on top, riding Ron’s massive cock—you know I’ve seen it. It’s huge.”

A desperate need went through Draco and he opened his mouth to curse Harry—to tell him to shut it—anything, but all that came out was a weak moan. Harry laughed again, nuzzling the back of Draco’s neck, his lips grazing along Draco’s skin making Draco’s knees buckle.

“Maybe she’s on her knees, and he’s fucking her from behind—maybe even in her arse. Cheeks spread open, his huge thick cock thrusting into her over and over and over again…”

Harry grasped Draco’s cock again and started to wank him properly, squeezing tightly around Draco’s shaft and sliding his thumb along the slit with each stroke. Draco was puddy in Harry’s hands and he knew it, but worse was that Draco could picture everything in his mind’s eye just exactly how Harry laid it out. Granger on her knees in the centre of the bed, her tits bouncing as Weasley stabbed her with his cock. Draco squeezed his eyes shut but filthy words kept spilling from Harry’s mouth implanting one image after another of Granger riding Weasley’s cock, sucking him off, taking him whole in her arse, and Draco couldn’t hold back any longer. A few more strokes from Harry’s talented hand and he soaked the front of his pajama bottoms.

Draco leaned his forehead against the wall as he panted, trying to catch his breath. “You bastard,” he whispered. Harry gave Draco’s softening cock a gentle squeeze and kissed the back of his neck.

“That’s why you love me.”

Link to Part 5: Flatmates: Possibilities

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang[info]sdk on December 5th, 2011 04:15 pm (UTC)
Ah, wow, I'm so pleased you're reading and enjoying, especially since you don't usually partake in HP fanfic. :DDD Thank you so much! I was going for a combo of sexy and lol, so I'm glad that's coming across. :D
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