Apr. 18th, 2013


Oh hai!

Oh hai. I'm Lex. Cindy has been sweet talking me into joining for a couple of weeks now, so here I am. It's all her fault, really. Anyway, I am bringing Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy to Nowhere. And...yeah. I'm new. But I love to plot and all that jazz so hit me up! Jax is a naughty thing, but he's a good time. I promise. XD

AIM: alexislogain; EMAIL: alexislogain@gmail.com

Apr. 8th, 2013



Herro everyone!

I am Rae! Hear my mighty rawr of awesome. Rawr rawr!

I was asked to look at bringing someone into the Nowhere community, and here I am. Hee!

I'm bringing you Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, with the PB of Mark Ruffalo. He's my babe.

I'm down for anything as far as lines go, and this community is massive so it might take my wee little brain a bit to catch up to everything as far as plot and stories are concerned. But i'm willing at any point to hear what anyone wants or needs as far as storyline is concerned.

Hit me up anytime! I has cookies.

You can reach me best via email, raeburk86@yahoo.com, or sometimes you can catch me on AIM. I play mostly on my phone and so email is the most direct route to get my attention.

I look forward to meeting all of you, and your kiddos. Be easy on me. I can get a little confused in the beginning. I'm like a bicycle that needs it's training wheels before I can go.


Apr. 7th, 2013



Hey guys!

Welcome Shiri. Run your friend adds!

She's bring in Erin Shepherd to The Nowhere from Being Human (US).

Also there is some fun things in the works for The Nowhere! You should swing by and check out the Wanted Lines! (AU's and OC's wwelcome!!)

Mar. 24th, 2013


Hi all! I'm Aimee and I come bearing Lily Evans for aetates, and she will be getting an intro on the ooc community of her very own there, but for those of you who know me from other games (and I think I recognized some familiar names) my lack of willpower should be no surprise if I end up with more. Anyway! A little bit of information about Aimee, I am the primary care provider for my mom who has Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS) so I use RP to try and relax after taking care of her.

I do have AIM, it's satoufairy, however right now with appointments and my computer trying to turn himself into a full on frankenbeast the easiest and quickest way to be sure to reach me is through my email which I check somewhat obsessively and that is aimadahla@yahoo.com.

Feb. 8th, 2013


Please welcome Áine to our little family and remember to run the friend add!

Jan. 6th, 2013


My darlings, please welcome Ash to our craziness.

Dec. 27th, 2012


Please welcome Angela to our little family and remember to run the friend add!