December 24th, 2012

[info]lena in [info]gregalis

Hello, [info]infinitus! I thought I should introduce myself as well, since I really only know Steph and Cindy.

I'm Lena, I'm 38, I live in Mitchell, SD with my mom and brother and I have a beautiful Siamese named Narcissa. We have 3 other cats that are my mom's (well technically one belongs to my sister, but she lives in Canada and isn't in a position to reclaim that one). I work for Walmart as the department manager of toys, so my schedule is a little crazy right now, but it'll hopefully calm down soon.

I've been roleplaying since about 2005, so I have quite a few past games and muses under my belt. My preference is for original character, but I've dabbled in writing can characters, as well. As far as RP goes, my main fandom has been Harry Potter. I've also played in panfandom games, fairy tale games, supernatural games, etc. and of course real life PB type games. Generally speaking, I'm willing to try just about anything, but not very comfortable writing for fandoms I'm not familiar with.

That said, I have a LOT of fandoms: Harry Potter, Farscape, Morganville, Vampire Academy, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Buffy/Angel. There are probably more but my brain isn't cooperating much atm. I'm also getting into the Sookie Stackhouse books.

I'm really open to lines/new characters, so if there's a certain type of line or certain character you want/need, just ask me! Chances are I'm more than willing. The only thing I'm not interested in playing is smut - I prefer fading/fast forwarding unless that type of scene being played out us really essential to plot progression. Otherwise, I'm open to anything.

My CDJ is [info]lena, which is also my AIM screen name. I also have a more personal journal at [info]lena and my email is lenabee at me for com. AIM or email are the best ways to reach me. PMs are spotty, because IJ doesn't send email notifs for those.

I'm waiting to officially add any characters to my roster until I see who people might want or need, so feel free to enable me into whoever you'd like to see around!

[info]blindinglight in [info]gregalis

Hi. *waves* I just want to say that I'm Lori and I'm exhausted. No, really. I just got off work, but I didn't want to look like some anti-social weirdo so I figured I'd say hello and let you guys know that I'm totally on board for this gig. Really looking forward to getting to know you all (minus Steph who I know already) and getting to write with you all (okay, add Steph to this).

I've stuck some characters in my journal that I'm looking forward to using again (if you care to see what I like to write) and I'm going to be thinking about what I want to do with them sometime after things settle for Christmas. :D


[info]slinkyavenger in [info]gregalis

Hello, [info]infinitus! I'm Slinky, and I believe I am the first outsider to join this community. Don't cry Stranger Danger just yet; I'm pretty friendly! I've got a bazillion ideas, and I've even run games before, so if there's interest, I could start up a comm for some as-of-yet unrepresented genres (Science Fiction and Fantasy most notably). I live in Australia, so it's already X-mas Eve here, but despite being +10 GMT I'm actually online a lot and I'm easy to catch: just hit me up here and I'll get back to you ASAP. I love collaborating, and I'm really looking forward to writing with all of you!