July 2011




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Mar. 28th, 2011


British National Team Under Investigation For Chaser’s Removal
Lizzy Shell Speaks: The Reasons Revealed

By Ophelia Montgomery

The British National team is under investigation today in the removal of Lizzy Shell as starting chaser for the National Team. A few weeks ago, the Daily Prophet broke the news that Lizzy Shell had been removed for the British National Team due to “violating team policies”. However no one from the National Team would reveal exactly what team policies Miss Shell had violated and Miss Shell herself could not be reached. But in an exclusive interview with the Prophet last week, Lizzy Shell revealed all to the Prophet’s reporter, and agreed to bring her testimony to the International Quidditch Association.

According to Miss Shell’s testimony, she was approached several weeks ago by a representative of the National Team’s Board who spoke with her about her position on the team. Though the conversation started out politely, with a discussion about the team’s image, it quickly took a turn for the worse when the representative eluded that Miss Shell’s background would be damaging to the team. “He never explicitly stated that my blood status was the problem,” stated Miss Shell in both her interview and her official testimony, “But when I asked him straight out of that was what he was referring to, he stated that he was glad to see we were ‘on the same page’.”

The representative allegedly went on to suggest that Miss Shell resign willingly to avoid damage from her reputation. When she refused the man quickly got threatening, pointedly looking out the window to where her three year old son was playing in the backyard. “He stated that he knew my son’s father,” Lizzy testified. Though she doesn’t want the father’s name brought into this, it should be known that he is not only a well-known player, but also one with an old surname that is prominent in Wizarding society. “He said that he could arrange it so that the father got full custody of my son, that it might be better anyway, given my ‘background’. He even gave me a copy of a custody suit, with my ex-boyfriend’s name signed to the bottom and everything. He said if I refused, they’d file the motion with the Wizengamot, who were sure to take their side. He said I’d lose my son if I didn’t go along with his plan and agree to let them remove me from the team.”

The representative left the copy of the custody suit with Miss Shell, who turned it in as part of her evidence. Though at first she was unwilling to speak out against the National League due to her worries against her son’s safety, the IQA and the British Ministry of Magic have guaranteed both her safety and that of her son and her custody over him. It was these assurances that convinced Miss Shell to come forward, though she has remained silent since her removal from the team several weeks ago.

In a statement given this morning, a spokesperson from the IQA stated that Miss Shell had submitted her testimony and had willing given her memory of the event to the investigator in charge of the case. The testimony, pensieve memory, and documents have been reviewed by the IQA, and as a result, the British National Team is now under investigation. “Miss Shell has been very forthcoming with her testimony,” stated Herbert Taylor, spokesperson for the IQA, “Even going so far as to give us her actual memory of the event. Our experts are currently inspecting it to make sure that the memory has not been tampered with, but it seems clear that there is a case here. The British National Board and Team will be investigated, and the consequences for their board member’s actions will depend on what we uncover.”

According to another source at the IQA, who wishes to remain anonymous, repercussions for the British team could depend on whether the entire board was involved, or whether these were simply the actions of one individual. The consequences could range from penalties against the team in their first game, to suspensions, to the banning of the team from this year’s World Cup. Members of the Team Board are also at risk for removal if they are proven to be involved. So far, no team members have been implicated in the scandal and we can hope that the National Committee’s actions will not impact their careers or their ability to participate in the World Cup.

Mar. 16th, 2011


Ministry of Magic - Wednesday Afternoon Edition


In an interesting move this morning, the Wizengamot passed a new piece of legislation which they are calling the "Ordinance Review Act", an act which gives the Wizengamot an unprecedented level of control in regards to Ministry regulations. According to Herbert Killian, assistant to the Chief Warlock and spokesperson for the Wizengamot’s decision, the Act was passed by a near-unanimous vote. According to the official press release, the ORA establishes a committee within the Wizengamot which is charged with reviewing regulations issued by the Ministry Departments. "The committee has also been given the right to potentially change any regulations in order to ensure compliance with the Statute of Secrecy," stated Killian, "We are certain it will be the first step towards ensuring a tighter compliance with one of the Ministry’s most important laws."

This Act is the latest in a series of new legislation passed by the Wizengamot which seem to be aimed towards creating new departments within the Ministry and updating old, outdated laws. The first, the Yaxley-Macmillan Geneaology Act, was passed on February 2nd, 2006 and established the Office of Genealogy within the Ministry of Magic’s Records Department. Earlier this month, the Wizengamot also voted to make several key updates to the official British Ministry of Magic’s Census Survey. The updates have been put into action for the 2006 Census, and add new questions to a survey which has remained unchanged for well over 100 years. Today’s move, and the passing of the ORA, is the latest step in the Wizengamot’s admirable plan to keep the Ministry up to date with the current times.

Mar. 1st, 2011


The Daily Prophet - Tuesday Evening Edition

National Team’s Replacement Chaser Announced
Speculations Abound in Wake of News
by Ophelia Montgomery

Yesterday we broke the news that Lizzy Shell, chaser for the Appleby Arrows, had been removed from the British National Team for ‘violating team policies’, the details of have still not been made public. Today, an official announcement from the British National Quidditch Team revealed that their choice of a new chaser to replace Miss Shell and it’s none other than Clint Warrington, new Chaser for the Falmouth Falcons. Speculations and rumors are running rampant in the wake of this announcement, and it’s not just because Warrington’s appointment makes three Falcons players on the British National Team, including their Captain and his fellow Falcons players, Bole and now Warrington. Also being speculated about is the fact that the team's third chaser, Katie Bell, is the Captain's girlfriend.

When interviewed on the subject... )

Feb. 28th, 2011


Drama Within English National Team
Chaser Removed Amidst Speculations of Misbehavior
by Ophelia Montgomery

Surprising news broke this weekend involving one of the three starting chasers on the English National Team. Lizzy Shell, currently also a Chaser for the Appleby Arrows, was removed from the English National Team this weekend. According to the official announcement from the team, Miss Shell was removed for ‘violating team policies’. Unfortunately, queries to the team about just which policies she violated revealed nothing more specific than that. In fact the team spokesperson, Spencer Rosseter, had only this to say: “Though it is unfortunate that Miss Shell had to be removed from the team, the English National Team would like to assure the population of Britain that we will be replacing her as soon as possible and that this change in our roster will not harm our chances at winning this years World Cup.” Mr Rosseter also assured me that they will be announcing tomorrow their choice for replacing Miss Shell and that they are certain that the new Chaser will work just as well with the team. As to exactly what Miss Shell did to ensure her removal of the team, no one seems to be certain; attempts to contact Miss Shell herself went unfulfilled. The Daily Prophet will make certain to keep it’s readers informed if any more information comes to light.

Feb. 19th, 2011


Puddlemere Nearly Loses to Portree in a Shockingly Close Match-up

By Ophelia Montgomery

While the Kestrals played the Wanderers earlier today, beating them 310 to 180, the match everyone had their eyes on was Puddlemere United vs Pride of Portree. Given that Puddlemere was the number two ranked team last year, runners-up in the British-Irish League Cup, and Portree barely coasted into 12th place just above the Chudley Cannons, this match should have been an easy win. But recent upsets within the Puddlemere starting lineup, including the loss of the League’s number 2 ranked Chaser Katie Bell to the Tutshill Tornados, and their previous years Keeper to the Falmouth Falcons, along with the appointment of Alicia Spinnet as the new captain, all eyes were on Puddlemere to see how the new team could handle the changes.

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem as if they were handling it very well. The former top team was behind Portree in points for the entire match, right up until the end. It was only thanks to the skills of Puddlemere’s seeker, Keeley Bundy, that Puddlemere managed to come back from being 110 points behind to winning the game, 430 to 390.

But don’t count this team out just yet. This preseason game was only their first chance to play together as a new team, and there’s no doubt that they’ll pull it together in time for the regular season in a few weeks. After all, they’ve got members of two different National teams in their ranks, including their captain Alicia Spinnet, and things should only get better for Puddlemere United.

Feb. 2nd, 2011


The Daily Prophet - Wednesday Morning Edition

[This small article can be found on the third page of the paper, in the bottom left corner.]


During a regular session yesterday, the Wizengamot passed the new Yaxley-Macmillan Genealogy Act. This act, created by Wizengamot members Tiberius Yaxley and Raghnall Macmillan, establishes the Office of Genealogy within the Ministry of Magic Records Department, to encourage the preservation of more accurate genealogical records. As another benefit of the act, Pureblood families can register their status as such and once the claim is investigated and approved by the Office of Genealogy, they will receive an official document certifying their status. A representative of the Wizengamot states: "This act is one step towards renewing the Wizarding World's interest in genealogy and thus the history of our magnificent culture."

Jan. 31st, 2011


The Daily Prophet - Monday Morning Edition

By: Ophelia Montgomery

The IQA announced this morning that they've narrowed down the official location for the Quidditch World Cup to three countries: England, Japan and Spain. All three countries will be submitting bids to the IQA, who will convene within the next few weeks to make a decision. Similarly, selections for the National Teams will be finalized within the next couple weeks as well. Representatives from the British, Irish, Wales and Scotland National teams promise to be sending out owls this week to their chosen Captains who, upon acceptance of their offers, will be allowed to join in the final selections for the National Teams. Rumors are already swirling as to which players are under contention, including a number from the Falmouth Falcons, the newly re-done Tutshill Tornadoes, and also Puddlemere United.

On the news that this year's World Cup will be running alongside the British-Irish League Cup this year, a representative of the British-Irish Quidditch League states, "We, along with the Department of Magical Games and Sports, will be doing out best to make sure that the games and practices of those chosen for National Teams do not interfere with the British-Irish League games and schedules. While we are more than aware of just how important and prestigious being chosen for a National Team is, we are also aware of how important the British-Irish League competition is to it's fans, teams, owners and players. Though rearranging of the British-Irish League schedule may be necessary in the end, we will do everything we can to assure that both Cups run smoothly side by side."

Jan. 13th, 2011


Daily Prophet - Thursday Morning Edition

By Ophelia Montgomery

It is with great sadness that I announce that Katie Bell (currently of Puddlemere United) suffered a miscarriage on this past Saturday, losing the child she was expecting with Marcus Flint (currently Captain of the Falmouth Falcons). In an official exclusive interview yesterday, Bell and Flint confirmed that Katie suffered complications with her pregnancy this past Saturday, January 8th 2006, and as a consequence lost their unborn child.

The couple asks that their privacy be respected and that they be left alone at this deeply distressing time. Unfortunately though, it appears that not everyone intends to respect their wishes. Though staff at St Mungo's are sworn to confidentiality over patients records and visits to the hospital, a certain staff member has seen fit to go to the press, attempting to sell her highly-embroidered story to the highest bidder. A private source revealed that the aforementioned nurse is none other than Loraine Myers, an employee of St Mungo's Hospital for less than a year. Perhaps as a newer employee to the renowned institution, Miss Myers is unfamiliar with the Hospital's policy on confidentiality. This reporter can only hope that someone at the Hospital will see fit to make certain that Miss Myers is not only aware of the policy, but of the consequences to those who flaunt it.

The Daily Prophet would also like to echo Marcus Flint and Katie Bell's request for privacy and respect in what we're certain everyone understands is a distressing time for both of them, and we hope that the general public will respect their wishes.

Dec. 21st, 2010


The Daily Prophet - Wednesday Morning Edition

Katie Bell & Marcus Flint Tell All in an Exclusive Interview
By Ophelia Montgomery

By now you’ve all heard the latest gossip on the Quidditch circuit. It may have come from an unreliable source, but the rumour still persists: Quidditch rivals Katie Bell (Puddlemere United; Chaser) and Marcus Flint (Falmouth Falcons; Captain & Chaser) are expecting a baby! It’s a story that has caught the attention of the public at large, and for good reason: these two professional players are not just members of the top-two ranked Quidditch Teams from the British-Irish League’s 2005 season, but they are also from teams which have a known rivalry. Everyone is curious to know the truth behind the rumours and hype, and the Daily Prophet has the details straight from Bell and Flint themselves, in an exclusive interview you won’t see anywhere else.

I sat down with Katie Bell and Marcus Flint recently to discuss the situation at hand, and the pair was quick to confirm that the rumors are in fact true, and they are expecting a child. According to Miss Bell she is about a month or so along and the baby is due around the end of August. For all you Puddlemere fans currently groaning, yes, that does mean that Miss Bell will be taking some time off from Quidditch for the 2006 season. "My contract is up with Puddlemere at the end of the season. Depending on what's going on, we'll renegotiate or I'll take an extended leave of absence," said Katie Bell, who also added: "I hope to resume play in 2007." However, Falcons fans need not be quite so worried, as Marcus Flint confirmed he would be staying on the team, stating: “I will be continuing my career with the Falcons, maintaining my position as Captain."

This news will certainly have an effect on the Quidditch circuit, most notably on Puddlemere United, who have gone through several changes in advance of the new season. However, both Mr Flint and Miss Bell seem cautiously optimistic. "While the timing leaves much to be desired, Katie and I are both looking forward to this new chapter in our lives and plan on facing the challenges that come along with it head on," says Flint. Challenges there may be, but when it comes to facing them head-on, no one expects anything less from the Captain of the Championship team and one of the star Chasers of the second-ranked League team.

It is obvious that fans will be curious for more news on the couple, but Katie Bell adds, ""We hope the public will respect our need for privacy," a request to which this reporter can only hope readers will take. It seems that Flint and Bell are curious for news themselves, though. "Personally, my fingers are crossed for a boy," said Marcus, and both he and Katie seemed pleased by this idea. This reporter certainly hopes that this Quidditch couple gets their holiday wish...

Aug. 9th, 2010


Accused of fabricating rumors of Muggle Disease!

In a shocking turn of events today, Hitwizards arrived at St Mungo's in the earlier hours of the morning to arrest Phineas Burke, Healer and Head of the Magical Bugs Ward who had been in charge of the quarantine and investigation of the so-called Muggle Disease. "We've been investigating Healer Burke for almost a week now," states Hitwizard Seamus Finnigan, who was part of the team sent to arrest the Healer. "Since we received a tip from an inside source that cast Burke in a suspicious light. Further investigations, along with the help of said source, have proved beyond a doubt that Healer Burke was responsible for fabricating the rumors of the disease in order to further his own causes."

According to the hitwizards present during the arrest... )

Jul. 16th, 2010


Ministry Bravely Issues New Decree
Article by Rita Skeeter

Early this morning, the Ministry of Magic issued a new decree which stated that all Muggle-borns must wear a red armband to signify their status to other members of wizarding society. While the move came as a surprise to many in the wizarding world, it also came as quite the relief to many who were afraid of the possibility of catching the disease from contact with Muggle-borns. My sources in the Ministry tell me that the vote was passed almost unanimously last night by the Wizengamot, after Minister Shacklebolt had left for the evening. Could it be that the Minister simply didn't want to be associated with such a decision? Or, as is more likely, did wiser and braver heads in the Wizengamot choose to make the right decision, one they knew the Minister wasn't willing to make? A member of the Wizengamot confirms that it is, in fact, the latter of the two reasons:

"In the face of Minister Shacklebolt's hesitancy," states Anthony Mulciber, a long-time member of the Wizengamot who is primed to become the next Chief Warlock, "The Wizengamot decided to take matters into their own hands. In accordance with the Wizengamot Charter of Rights, which gives us the right to bypass the Minister in times of crisis, we passed this decree late last night in the interest of the safety of the Wizarding population. We hope it will go a long way towards preventing the spread of this disease to the Muggle population."

And I'm sure that the Wizarding population- minus a few of the usual naysayers- will be grateful that the Wizengamot took the initiative to make such an important and necessary decision. I know I myself already feel safer in the knowledge that I can easily spot and avoid those who might infect me with this horrible disease. And the armbands serve another beneficial purpose as well. "The armbands serve the purpose of easily identifying people who are at risk for being in infected with the disease," says Healer Phineas Burke, of St Mungos, "Anyone who sees someone who is wearing an armband and appears to be ill are advised to report them to St Mungo's immediately, so we can examine them, and quarantine them if necessary."

I think we must all join in thanking the Wizengamot for having the courage to make such a bold decision, one that will surely turn the tide in the battle against this frightening disease.

Jul. 9th, 2010


Is Contact with Muggleborns Putting You at Risk?

A terrifying disease is sweeping the muggle population of London, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent, and it seems no one is willing to answer the hard questions. No one, that is, except myself. In the wake of the news that a wizard had been admitted to Mungo's with the purported "Muggle Disease", I have received a large volume of letters from people who want the truth from someone they know isn't afraid to tell it. With my ever-present interest in keeping the wizarding public as well-informed as possible, I have decided to address as many of your concerns as possible, and the Daily Prophet has been kind enough to give me the space to do so.

"I've noticed the Prophet posting numerous articles on this so-called Muggle Disease and how prolonged exposure in the muggle world could put witches and wizards at risk for contacting the disease." Writes Ms Greta Windon of Sussex. "What amazes me is that they seem to be refusing to come straight out and state the people most at risk for contacting this disease: Muggleborn witches and wizards. Obviously, they have the most contact with the Muggle world than anyone else in the wizarding world, and are thus at the most risk of contracting the disease. In this same line, they are most at risk of spreading this disease to the rest of the wizarding population. If the Ministry and the Prophet are recommending that we limit our exposure to the Muggle world to prevent contracting the disease, shouldn't something be said for limiting our exposure to those most likely to be infected with it, namely Muggleborns?"

Let me start by saying that... )

Jul. 7th, 2010


The Daily Prophet - Morning Edition

Wizard Admitted to St Mungo's for Mysterious Illness

The Prophet received news this morning that a wizard, whose name has not yet been released, was taken to the hospital this morning after coming down with a mysterious disease. A representative from St Mungo's refused to confirm that this is the same disease striking the Muggle population, saying only that, "we will release more information on the disease if necessary once we have completed our examinations and tests."

Though both the Hospital and the Ministry refuse to acknowledge that this might be the same disease the Prophet broke the news on last week (see a reprint of the original article on pg. 5) a confidential source indicates that this is very likely the same disease, and that the Ministry and Mungo's are already beginning to take careful measures to prevent the spread of the illness, including potentially quarantining anyone who may have come into contact with the infected wizard.

For information on the symptoms of the disease and how to know if you're infected, please see the box at the top of pg. 3. For what to do if you think you or someone you know is infected, please see the article at the bottom of pg 3.

More details on this story will be released as soon as they are available.

Jun. 30th, 2010


Could the disease spread to the Wizarding World?

Word has come from St Mungo's Hospital today of a strange illness affecting the Muggle population of Britain. Early reports indicate that the disease is one never seen before in the Muggle world, but one that could prove to be very dangerous. Sources indicate that the Muggles so-far infected with the disease show no signs of improvement, and that the doctors (Muggle Healers) have yet to discover any sort of cure for the strange disease. At the moment, however, the disease seems to be limited to the Muggle world. "As far as we know, the disease has not yet spread to the wizarding populace," states Healer Phineas Burke, a representative from St Mungo's, "However the potential for it to spread is a possibility, given the amount of interaction between the wizarding and muggle worlds."

So what symptoms should one be on the look out for, just in case this disease does spread? "The disease usually starts off with all the appearances of a common cold or stomach bug," Healer Burke states, "It begins with nausea, and sometimes soreness and dizziness. This usually progresses into a fever by the third day or so." With these symptoms so easily resembling a common cold, flu or bug, it is no wonder that most infected Muggles aren't even aware that they have the disease, a fact which is certain to lead to the inevitable spreading of the illness. Healer Burke concurs, stating, "According to our sources in the Muggle world, most of those infected with the disease assume it is only a cold or a bug, and only discover the truth when the disease has progressed far enough that the fever causes them to collapse, and they are sent to the hospital."

The Ministry of Magic has issued a statement assuring the public that they will do everything in their power to make sure that the disease does not spread to the Wizarding World. (For Ministry-issued tips on ways to avoid contracting the disease, see pg. 5.) However, the statement also advises that this disease should not be taken lightly; if you believe you might be infected or that you might know someone who is (for a full list of symptoms, please see pg. 6) please do not hesitate to stop by St. Mungo's as soon as possible.