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The Genome Project: OOC

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Herro. This is Ashley with a new kid I may or may not have been coerced into picking up. AHEM.

Her name is Michelle Davis. She is seventeen and attends JFKHS where she is a cheerleader. She's pretty popular, used to getting what she wants, and she can be a little on the bitchy side when she wants to be. She also has a bit of a reputation as a serial dater (sometimes minus the whole actually dating part and straight to the HEY LETS MAKE OUT part, because making out totally doesn't count).

She's had a rough life, though most people probably won't know much about that except maybe some close friends. She was adopted for the project then was given up at eleven so it's given her a little bit of a complex. People will know she's adopted, but the circumstances she opts to keep to herself. (She also has an adoptive brother if anyone wants a 19-20ish year old).

UM. Her power is vocal mimicry which she gets a serious kick out of using, especially where phones are involved, and I may have her use it to get into the musical. I dunno yet. XD

Blah blah blah stuff stuff stuff.

I am brain dead, so hit me up for plots and stuff <3



So I'm going to try to semiiiii slowly come off of hiatus. Most likely will be more active in having Mao comment to shit and be his usual twatty self online. I'm thinking of joining the party thread though so I may pop in there. Mao definitely is going whether I play it out or not, lol.

But anywho, yeah.


- Julie



Okay! It's Monday, and us mods are back in full action, so we're doing Prompt Monday! You've got until next Monday to use any or all of these prompts in your threads. Any person can use any prompt they'd like from this list. At the end of the month, we'll keep track of who used and participated in more prompts and challenges and we'll put your name up in LIGHTS! Really, we'll jsut give you a shout out. And maybe next month you can help us pick a few of the prompts or challenges.

Anyways, when you decide to do a prompt thread, please make note of it in your thread description. Also, when the prompt is said, please BOLD that line. All of these prompts are meant for your characters to say out loud, in the thread. That is part of the challenge. So, good luck!

Onto the prompts! )



Hey guys. I advertised tonight. So if you all want to go over to [info]genomepremades and update your premades, or add any new ones over there, now might be the time to do it. =]



I'd love for Tino to go on a date and just completely and utterly bomb it. Like, talk about Mia or the twins the whole time. And just generally be a downer. Maybe even bring up James dying or Penny being sick when they were all younger. Things like that.

He needs some kind of catalyst to realize how much he misses Mia, and I don't want to go the 'one of them gets hurt' route. We did that with Natalie/Evan.

Any takers?



For my own insanity, what school year are all the kids in? I'm curious and completely forgot a lot of them. Keep in mind that a new school year started this past September and the year is now 2048!

Seniors graduating in June will be the class of '48.



I've decided to change the school that Sumi will be attending. Starting after the winter break, she has been transferred to NYU.

If you have a character that might be interested in taking note of this in some way, feel free to let me know. I would love to have some new plots for her.



Hey ladies and gents!

The JFK High School Spring Play is going to be the murder-mystery-musical Drood. For those of you not familiar with it, here is the Wikipedia article! It's pretty hilarious.

There are 11 slots for cast members, so we probably will have to fill in with a few NPCs. There is also the possibility for people to have signed up for pit orchestra, or for any of the crews (makeup, costumes, sound/light, props, and set) so if you want your char to take part in these shenanigans, consider this the official sign up sheet! Or something. Let us know which of your chars are interested and what for!



Hey everyone. Sorry I've not come back from hiatus yet, but I think this is a sign, and I should bow out. Life is just too chaotic for all the games I'm in, so I need to cut back, and already my muse is dying off.

Good luck with the game! It was nice playing here the small amount I have.



I've got a combo sinus infection/bronchitis situation going on at the moment, so I'll be bed ridden for most of the week. I think now's as good a time as any to jump back into the frying pan, right? Who's with me!?

If I owe you a tag, please let me know here. I'm too achey and whatever to go back and look through everything. If I owe you a tag, and you're over the thread mentally, then we can just figure out what happened and then go from there (maybe start something new). If you want to start something new with me, then also let me know here. I'm down for it all ladies (and gents).



I owe some tags and threads, I just wanted to give the heads up that I'll be lagging a bit. Sometimes the customer likes to throw 'you have to be kidding' deadlines, for reasons unknown but when it happens it steals all waking hours to knock that out of the park and stay on top of ongoing projects. I just got back from an 8hr drive to a central office literally middle of nowhere (that looks like a's not a house), plus a 2 hr drive to survey another CO in the area. Then had to get those quotes in today...I'm sleep deprived.

I do want to get some new things going with both Dale and Dawn, plus I'm toying with the idea of bringing in an older male character, preferably a scientist/doctor type, over 30, and possibly on the darker side of things. I know I have some plots in the hopper but was wondering if anyone would like me to tackle some starts to them once I'm awake and not under the wire. I'm always up for scheming plots, even when I'm super busy.




Basically, a lot of Camden and Gemma's lines just totally peaced out, so I don't even know who they're supposed to be friends with or what they're doing or... yeah.


Scout, Ian, and Boo, obviously. Brothers.
...Who is she friends with again?


Is friends with Dawn

So I'm not really seeking out a thread atm. More like connections because I am totally blanking on the people they're supposed to be doing stuff with >_>

I suck.

Love me.



Hello all!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

My mind has gotten a bit scrambled over the past week, so I wanted to ask if I was supposed to be doing some plots with anyone. Also if anyone was wanting to do some plots with my characters.

I think Sumi was supposed to be semi involved in a plot with Rolan and Mao, but aside from that, I'm kind of drawing a blank.

So if Sumi, Elliot, Jaden, or Zarita were supposed to be involved in something or you want to do something with one of them, feel free to poke me.




Everyone rejoice that my 16 hour shift on NYE is over. And also that my NEXT MORNING SHIFT ON NYD is also over.

Tomorrow I get back to a normal life, and a normal schedule, and I will want ALL THE THREADS EVER.

So you gurls and guy better be around for me! <3 <3 <3

I've missed you all so so so so so so much.

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday, and that you're all starting the new year off right! We are almost officially 3 mf'in yrs old!







Just a quick note to everyone that I'm aging Scout down a bit. Instead of 25, he'll be just turning 23. So he is now a bit of a bb, but he likes to act like a hotshot, so that's still the same. It just makes more sense to me to have him be a bit younger - it will help explain his alienation from Ian, as well as his general immaturity.




Hey people, !!

So. I am almost back in full swing? I am able to tag people for the next couple days when I'm not at work (and sometimes when I am at work...) and then I should pretty much be back to normal speed after New Years! I am going around grabbing tags that I owe, and now I can't remember who I owe things to...

I already got Elliot/JJ and Megan/Scout. If I owe anyone else please let me know here, otherwise hit me up for threads or texts or whatever!

Heads up, Toby is like... Ugh in full mourning... And not in a good place. Dale, Jack and Sarah should all really hit that up. Also Mao? And Ariel? EVERYONE!

Otherwise I'm up for anything. I may come up with X-mas gifts from my kids, but if I do, it'll take me a while... >_> If you'd specifically like to know what my kids got yours, hit me up, and I'll let you know! :)

PS Dawn, Sumi and Elliot's gifts to Boo, Aaron and Pres (respectively) are SPOT ON! LOVE LOVE LOVE.




Gifts from Miss Miller )



Happy Holidays! And to everyone who celebrates Christmas, then Merry Christmas!



Bad news guys, yesterday at work I started getting sick and by the end of my work day I knew it was the flu or something like it. Fever, cough, sore throat, all the fun stuff ;p. So since I'm still battling the two...I just wanted to let you know that I won't be around until I at least beat the fever. Hopefully it will be gone tomorrow. Just my luck that this is the time when a bunch of people are around to do stuff and I get sick.

My fever finally broke on Christmas Day, but I'm still coughing up my insides and also when I had fever I barely ate anything so I'm still not all here yet, so it might be a bit longer before I can get to threading and tagging and such.


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