The Genome Project: OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Genome Project: OOC

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Tiny hiatus / plots - back now! [21 Jul 2012|10:08am]
Just giving a heads up that I'll be gone for a tiny vacation. I'll be gone for roughly five days or so starting with today! I'll be able to get on my laptop now and again to check e-mail, so if you guys have any plot bunnies or anything send them to my Gmail. Thanks! I'm really enjoying the RPG! :D
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Updaaaaaaate! [21 Jul 2012|09:10pm]
So, I'm here in Marco Island chillin LIKE A BOSS. Internet is ass, but I've got it to work a little here. I'll try to hang on, but this shady connection is annoying as all hell. Thinking I'm probably not going to be around as much as I thought. D:

But I'll still read emails and be totally awesome. :D

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[ viewing | July 21st, 2012 ]
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