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The Genome Project: OOC

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Pseudo Hiatus / Plot Please? [20 Jul 2012|10:36am]
So yes, I realize I've been epic failure this week, but it's only because I'm leaving on vacation Saturday for the beach (FINALLY!!!!!!111111ONE11111) and I've been going crazy wrapping things up at work. I know I owe tags. I swear I will get to those soonishly.

I expect to have full internet access while away, but I'll hopefully be soaking up some sun and not thinking about how LMFAO AWFUL it must be back at work. :P In the rare case that I find myself internet-less, I'll still have my phone on me. And though it will be a lot more difficult, I can still post and see emails and such through there. But I'll let you guys know. I'll be away until next Saturday.

I am now officially in vacation mode! :D

EDIT: P.S. If anyone wants Jacen, Nora, Ethan or Alfie (likely Gemma ;D) for plots, hit me up, yo. ^_^
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[20 Jul 2012|11:43pm]
Hey guys. Just wanted to apologize to everyone for being a little bit absent the past couple weeks. Was on vacation in the middle of July and am now having a bit of trouble re-assimilating myself to working and having free time to do other things (like rp). I'm going to work on tags and threads this weekend as much as possible.

Just a heads up though, I picked up 55 hours next week in 4 days, so after Wednesday, I might be slightly scarce as I'm working 4 doubles in a row. x_X
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