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[06 Jun 2010|01:19am]
[ mood | sore ]

Who: Robin & NPC!Jocks
What: Swirlies and other such things
Where: School
When: Thursday, May 27th, during school
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions bullying and physical violence, don't read if you dislike that sort of thing.
Status: Completed/Closed

It’s the only way to keep going. )

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[06 Jun 2010|02:29am]
[ mood | weird ]

Who: Sam and Jamie (in a sense)
What: Jamie tries to comfort Sam in a totally unconventional way. Involving, uh, purring?
When: Late Saturday night
Where: The school bleachers
Rating: PG-15 (Sam's language, inevitably)

When covered in fur, he didn't feel the cold quite so much. )

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[06 Jun 2010|10:36am]
Who: Laura and Albert
What: A... talk. About Jacquelyn. And Jamie. With yelling. Lots of yelling.
When: Sunday, May 30 - evening
Rating: PG-13 for possible language?
Status: Complete

Had he really been doing this all weekend? )
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[06 Jun 2010|07:07pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Who: Ellie, NPC party goers and mentions of characters with permission!
What: The anti-formal party
When: May 28th
Rating: PG
Status: Complete/Closed
OOC: Hey, I did this as a solo as I figured people could just allude to their being at the party if they were the sort of person Ellie would invite! :D

Anti something parties were always the best kind of parties. )

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[06 Jun 2010|07:34pm]
[ mood | working ]

Who: Chris and Jane
What: Two teachers who work too hard bonding over bad coffee
When: May 28th, afer school
Rating: PG-13 (maybe?)
Status: In progress

The sooner he got home the better. )

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[06 Jun 2010|07:51pm]
Who: Natalie and David
What: Being nosy Scoping out David's intentions
When: Sunday evening
Rating: PG-13 tops.

Inbox (1) )
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[06 Jun 2010|08:55pm]
[ mood | nervous ]

Who: Riley and Robin
What: They're meeting up to see a movie and just hang out
When: Saturday (29th) afternoon
Where: The cinema and then who knows!
Rating: PG-13 (for possible swearing)

This was just meeting a friend to go see a movie. )

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[06 Jun 2010|10:38pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

Who: Ethan, Jane, Lily & Emma Rodriguez
What: Text
When: Saturday evening
Rating: Low

Jane - You Have (1) Unread Message )

Lily - You Have (1) Unread Message )

Emma - You Have (1) Unread Message )
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