Muns Gone Wild! - April 28th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Muns Gone Wild!

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April 28th, 2008

green is unlucky [Apr. 28th, 2008|05:10 pm]
it's like new character city around here...

So! This is Carla, spamming your friends list!
Chial is back in space, so we bring in the next best thing to a space princess: a LAWYER!

Okay, not that great. But at least he's got good genes; the son of Leonard Samson and Jennifer Walters, there's a gamma pedigree that can't cause too much trouble, can he? Submitted for your entertainment is an app to poke at and hopefully he'll be crawling his way to the school to get some help.

Anyone interested in a little background history?
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[Apr. 28th, 2008|06:30 pm]
Ok, so remember waaaay back at the beginning of the RP I claimed I had an Eiko Logan? The one with the power enhancement powers?

Well, it took a bit, but she's really making an appearance this time. She's flying in from Tokyo and will be surprising her father (who knows nothing about her) very soon. Someone should be there to pick up a phone too.

She's older than I had her originally but is still oblivious of her mutation as she has only encountered mutant once in a fight... and they kicked her ass which is why she'll be looking like she got tenderized.

Facts are: She needs help. She pissed off the baddies and her angry Mom Yukio gave her Logan's name and told her to get the hell out of her face. Loving Mom, that Yukio. Scope her profile for any other questions.

Yeah, this is Jory, by the way, I officially have 4 now.

Boy, I can't wait for her to meet her half brother.
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