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Muns Gone Wild!

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[Aug. 18th, 2008|09:16 pm]
Hey guys, it might not have been super long lived, but man did we (the mods) have a heck of a lot of fun with GM. However due to a serious lack of time on behalf of the mods, we are closing the game. We want to thank you all, and you all deserve a pat on the back, you made it rock, you all rocked it like a hurricane.

And if there is ever a game where old characters can show up, we sure hope you all bring them in, because chances are, you have not seen the last of ours.

Jory and Kelly
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[Aug. 14th, 2008|08:35 pm]
I hate to do this...but my job is really tense right now. Like...firing everyone tense. I need to focus on finding a new job, so I'm going to have to drop. I love all my guys and everyone else's, but I need to prioritize. I wish the game and players the best, but I need to focus on RL. Feel free to stay in contact with me at farfromclose on IJ.

Thanks for the good times.

Heath, Noah, Chester, Cooper & the triplets.
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[Aug. 9th, 2008|08:39 am]

Okay guys!

The mods (Jory and Kelly) want to stress how much they want to keep this all going. So, when Jory gets back from her vacation (she'll be back Aug 18th), some serious advertising for the game will be done. Kelly has a small plot thing she's going to run over the weekend / into early next week, so there will be that. If you have anything you want to do with your characters let the mods know, we love plot / silly scenes / ect.

--- Jory and Kelly
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[Aug. 7th, 2008|11:57 pm]
I'm bowing out, guys. Inspiration is gone and RL is kicking my ass. It's been fun.
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[Jul. 31st, 2008|08:06 pm]
All right people, some serious housekeeping items:

* Please run the friends button.
* Bri's characters are, as of now, on hiatus. So Magnar has gone back to the moon, Sean and Tom have gone to Ireland to deal with some family business.
* We have updated the taken page
* Kelly apologizes for not getting the fire drill post up sooner.
* If you have any concerns / issues / whatever game-wise next week please let Kelly know, as Jory is going to be AFK.
* There will be a small event thing happening next week. The week after that, both mods are back in action, and there will be a BIG PLOT. Really. For serious.
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Out of Character Knowledge and All That Jazz [Jul. 29th, 2008|08:21 pm]
Hey peoples! Heads up!

There's going to be a "fire drill" taking place at the school early Thursday morning (game time that is, real time it will be posted tomorrow evening). The characters won't know about it in advance all they'll know is that alarms are going off, ect, ect.

Okay, I lied some characters will know, this being a drill and all. If your character is likely be traumatized a lot, by alarms going off, Dani would have told them in advance and sworn them to secrecy. Up to you, if you have an NPC!faculty member if they are in the know.
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Let's Make Some History! [Jul. 21st, 2008|07:17 pm]
Yes... You read the title right.

We are asking each of you to come up with a chunk of history that happened in the past 25 years that may have an impact on our merry bunch.

nothing specific, but more like a trend, an assassination, a sports feat, a musical moment, a fashion, a political occurrence, a natural disaster.... And add a date (specific or general) and we'll stuff it in our timeline. And then we'll make sure it makes it into the RP in some sort.

Sound fun? We think so.

Here's Jory's: "Disco made a huge revival in the 2010s, adding a digital sound. It was a the rage, Studio 45 opened in NYC and became as legend as Studio 54. All the famous mutants were there as well as celebrities. The bouncers were former second string heroes and sidekicks. The club ended up getting completely destroyed when an epic war broke out on the dance floor about who was shinier: Iron Man or Ultron."
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|01:56 pm]
Sorry, guys. I have to leave. It's been really great playing with all of you, and if it weren't for Gen M, I wouldn't have Richard or Terry, but I'm really not in a good place right now to be playing nice with other kids. I'm in summer school, I'm working, and I have family stuff going on right now. I've already taken a hiatus at my other game, and I think I need some time to myself right now.

Take care of yourselves, guys. Richard, May, Terry, and Elisa are out.
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|07:04 am]
Jory's number 5!!

This is Hank Pym Jr. He's coming back to the Academy after getting his BS at MIT. Oh, he's only 17 too, so he (and his parents, Hank and Jan) decided the Academy's atmosphere would be good for him before he continues his education. He'll be taking some correspondence classes during this time.

He's like his parents and can shrink and grow and fly, but his powers have been a little more altered thanks to his father's and his seekrit experiments.

To know? He's brilliant. He's socially inept. He's hyper. He's weird. He probably at one time or another contacted your peep about joining his new super group (he's had 5).

Here's more on him: Click!.
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THE HOUR IS UPON US [Jul. 18th, 2008|12:12 am]
Next week I'm going to be live at the San Diego Comic Con, follow for live blogging and adventure from Yours Truly!

So, not only am I going to be a little on the absent side, but in the days preceeding (starting oh about... last Monday) I'm going to be putting ducks in a row (quack) and giving myself a professional journalism ulcer.

My apologies for missing out on ANYTHING! Offerings of love to those who I am slacking on! And gummy bears to everyone I haven't gotten around to yet.

Thansk for your patience.
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Aloha and hello!* [Jul. 17th, 2008|01:45 pm]
This is Andrew. Again. For the last time. This is Noah Strange. Son of Dr. Stephen Strange and Clea. He's kind of a doofus but is a master of small things magical. His info can be found |||here|||. He's been at the school before but left when Papa Strange went a little crazy and tried to steal someone else's Book of Shadows. Yeah, Noah's been busy taking the stress off his dad with some basic matters and chatting with Wong.

Yup! Wong's still alive and kicking and he'll be around sporadically once I get some pictures of his NPC in order. Noah will be coming into some plot stuff later, but I figure he wouldn't mind some run-ins in the city, should anyone be interested. Or, given that's he ~magical~, he can probably be anywhere anyone wants him. Aside from learning spells from his father, Noah has inherited the power to teleport from earth to the dark dimension - where his mom rules. He accidentally popped in on her once while she was in the shower. After he kissed a girl's nostril. He really is kind of a mess...or, he was, back in the day. He's by no means suave, but he's never tongued a nasal cavity.

Noah also has a variation of the Cloak of Levitation. It's enchanted so it's either in his front suit coat pocket or ties around his wrist. Don't hate his fashion sense!

*Name that quote, win a prize!
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Hiatus [Jul. 14th, 2008|06:21 pm]
Gotta take a hiatus folks. Know I've been MIA for a while, but I've been having a hard time keeping up with pretty much all of my games lately! Be back as soon as things die down irl.
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[Jul. 8th, 2008|08:40 pm]

Right, so your mods are going to be kind of AFK for most of the rest of this week - - but there will be a small school-centric event going on over the next couple of days. So in the name of giving you muns a heads up . . . .

Read on! )
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*hopes this doesn't get lost in the shuffle of logs and such* [Jul. 8th, 2008|12:39 pm]
Hey, I'm just putting up a request thread here to plea for plot and play with my characters. I feel like I've been neglecting them all for a while (except maybe for Magnar). And for all their time in the game, none of them really have any meaningful in-game relationships at all, again with the possible exception of Magnar.

So here they are again...
Magnar - Magneto's grandkid. Cousin to Wes, Ryan and Dane (sorta). Crushing on Eiko. Roomie to Ben. Sorta friend of Joan and Ren. Can't stand most everyone else. ;-)

Tom - Headmaster Sean's grandkid.

Sean - Headmaster Sean's grandkid. Rooms with Ren.

Jimmy - Heather's his sister. Rooms with Bart.

PLAY WITH THEM, PLZ? Srsly, any plot ideas for them and yours, let me know!
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[Jul. 6th, 2008|09:16 pm]

Whoa, I apologize for the cross-posting and also if you've already know this. I'm going on a short vacation from the 9th to the 13th. I'll have computer access during that time, (I think) but it will be of a limited nature. If you need one of my characters to respond to something and their not, give me a poke at Any concerns about the game / modly questions / what have you can be sent their as well, and I will get back to you! Possibly in a timely manner even!
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[Jun. 30th, 2008|09:56 am]
See this? This is the sound of my self control, stabbing itself in the face. To death. And bleeding out ever so slowly.

ANYWAY, this is Tuesday Johnson. :D She's the daughter of Cloak and Dagger, except Cloak got swallowed by the ~darkness~ when she was 7, and then Dagger went all Juliet and died right after him because of light poisoning. ...Yeah. Seriously. Try telling THAT to the cops when they pick you up from the hospital when your mommy dies, right? Anyway, Tuesday was adopted by some Jewish people in New York City. Here's the really important stuff, in a nutshell, if you don't feel like popping over to her profile:

--> Came to the school at 12 (about 11 years ago)
--> Left at 18 (about 5 years ago)
--> Came BACK at 23 (about ... now)
--> Has as associates degree in nursing, which ... does NOT make her an actual nurse, it means she's halfway to BEING an actual nurse, but she's obsessive with school so she's pretty good with what she DOES know.
--> Phases her body into different types of light in the spectrum (ultraviolet, microwaves, infrared, etc). The profile explains what that means waaaay more clearly. With bolding.
--> Has a special ~healing light~ form (y'know, like Dagger's, um ... daggers). But it comes with a catch. It's like a band aid, kinda. She can heal things in a pinch, but after a couple hours, you go right back to the way you were. So if you break a bone, yeah, go to Tuesday and get that patched, but ... seriously, go to Duckie or get it set or you get to feel it break aaaaaall over again.
--> She still has Daddy's cloak. What that means or what Tuesday can do with it is a ~surprise~.
--> Lastly, I ~abuse tildes~

Okay, now I'm done. This was Krim, and you're watching the No Self Control Network.
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[Jun. 30th, 2008|08:41 am]
Hey guys, we have some new characters, so please run the frineds button, eh.

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Hey all... [Jun. 29th, 2008|08:10 pm]
Just to let you all know, I will be going a little mini vacation from Tuesday until Sudnay. So, if anyone were to need Evie or Catie the next few days just...stick them in somewhere. Not that they've done a lot, I get behind on things. And now that I'm in a show, I may get even more behind but I'll try and keep up.

Anyway...I leave my peeps in the capable hands of the mods should you have need of them. And I will see you all when I return. Happy Fourth of July to those celebrating!
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character wall! [Jun. 29th, 2008|03:02 pm]
Hey guys! Today must be the day Jessi spams gen m. Awhile back, I helped the lovely mods with the Character Wall. A lot of changes happened since then!

Here is a test of the updated version. How can you help me?

~ Tell me if your character is missing. Or if there's a typo!
~ If your character doesn't have a pic, or has a pic you HATE OMG, email or comment with the better one. Some people I just used my Google-Fu for, or google failed me and I got nothin'.
~ Anything else that should/shouldn't be there.

Thank you ♥
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Matt Castle destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise. [Jun. 28th, 2008|10:50 am]
BAM! New character. Carla here with the dangerous Matthew Castle, the terrible spawn of Elektra and the Punisher. Persons of interest are here so he whipped himself up a resume and is now helping the school out with their covert operations techniques. WHO WANTS TO BE A NINJA?

Otherwise... yeah. I think there are maybe one or two people who might have ever heard of the guy, but that's a good thing. He takes after his parents folks, so remember to be good, kids. Because Matt Castle keeps his friends close and his enemies closer.

Close enough to drop them with one round house kick to the face.
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