The Story So Far - June 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Story So Far

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June 10th, 2008

backdated log: Wes, Dave, Andi [Jun. 10th, 2008|06:09 pm]
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Who: Wes Barton and David Samson and Andi Storm
What: Dave is moving in! This is so backdated, IT HURTS... but it helps explain the spell casting that will happen soon
When: To when Dave moved in!
Where: The Academy courtyard

So, no ticking you off then, huh. )
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Log: May and Phil (and some Jack) [Jun. 10th, 2008|11:05 pm]
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Who; Mayday, Phillip, and Jackie
When; June 9th, afternoon
Where; The medlab
What; May and Phil check out May's shoulder and talk about suing the pants off Normie. And then they go make Jack drive them to the store for strawberry shortcake.

The woman is hurt, Jack! She's hurt! We must have strawberry shortcake. )
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