The Story So Far - April 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 7th, 2008

log! Jimmy and Ryan! [Apr. 7th, 2008|10:16 am]


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WHO: Ryan and Jimmy
WHAT: Ryan goes to see Jimmy in his workshop. Go go gadget arrows anyone?
WHEN: backdated to Sunday afternoon

He had heard that the kid was up to all kinds of crazy things )
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narrative: closed [Apr. 7th, 2008|11:08 am]

Christian hadn't been the same since that last mission. )
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thread: jack & phil [Apr. 7th, 2008|11:11 am]
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WHO: Jack, Phil, and a cameo by petri dish of candy bar fuzz.
WHAT: Hank tampered with Phil's mold sample. Phil has to show Jack.
WHERE: The Lab.
WHEN: Afternoon of Monday the 7th.

Like some sort of retarded puppy. )
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thread: Joan and Magnar [Apr. 7th, 2008|11:32 am]


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WHO: Joan & Magnar.
WHAT: Joan has a scrapbook of her father's heyday. She decides to reach out to someone who might care.
WHERE: Lunchroom
WHEN: Lunch, Monday

Brotherhood Babies. Like the Muppet Babies only not. )
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Apple in a tree [Apr. 7th, 2008|05:38 pm]
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WHO Chester Centino & John Summers Dayspring Askani'son
WHEN Evening of April 7
WHAT A...A...mopey Chester?!

Figures the weirdest of them all gets the weirdest apple. )
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[Debrief -- Open to X-team Members] [Apr. 7th, 2008|08:03 pm]
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It was clear that Sean was proud that everyone had made it home, more or less in one piece. It was also clear that Sean and Emma both felt that a certain lack of finesse had been employed. And that they were concerned, somewhat, about the damage done to Central Park, while at the same time allowing that the X-Teams couldn't really control what their adversaries did.

It was obvious however that something was bothering the headmasters.

That something was reveled by one Val Cooper (who was privy to this de-briefing), when she laid out the newspaper. The headline read: "Mutant Menace?" and went on to detail the damage caused.

Voices (Sean's) got raised after that, as he was quick to defend his students. And then, because his temper was up, he proceeded to expand on the importance of teamwork and planning and strategy and… it was soon clear that there was much, much training in the X-teams futures. Much training, including some cross-team training, team training, etc.

Sean had something in mind for that, but that could wait until after the meeting.

When Sean was done, Emma took the floor. She, unlike Sean, was appalled at some of the work with the teams and agreed that more training was needed and assured them that a schedule of training sessions in the Danger Room would be posted by the end of the week.

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Thread: Pete and OPEN! [Apr. 7th, 2008|09:42 pm]



WHO: Pete and YOU?
WHAT: Makin' a snack. Hungry?
WHERE: the common kitchen in MacTaggart Hall
WHEN: A reasonable time during the day, today

Healthy and Nutritious )
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