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Jul. 12th, 2010 @ 04:23 pm
TO: "Avenger: The Black Jaguar", "Avenger: Iron Man", "Avenger: Mr. Marvel", "Avenger: Patriot", "Avenger: Hawkeye", "Avenger: Optic", "Avenger: Chimera", "Avenger: Multiple Woman"
FROM: "Vice Director Commander Fury"
SUBJECT: S.H.I.E.L.D. Briefing

Briefing )

EMAIL: EVERYONE! Jun. 28th, 2010 @ 08:30 am
TO: All of the X-Baby Mafia and Avenger Spawn, along with with extended Spider Family. Everyone else will get invites from the people who get the first round. :D
FROM: Mariella Logan

Hey hey hey! It's my job to put out the invites this year. Everyone's getting together to throw Captain America a big fucking birthday bash! Invite your friends! Make your friends invite THEIR friends! As usual, no press, no snoops, and no one who'll ruin our fun by, like, trying to kill us. Standard stuff.

Party's on the 4th, show up whenever the hell you want, leave whenever you feel like it or don't if you don't. There's room to sleep for anyone who gets so blindingly smashed that they can't make it home. It's hosted at Xavier's, and everything is totally out of the way and private. Again, NO PRESS. Anyone gets so much as a whiff of that shit and we're tossing you out on your ass---if you're lucky.

And be on your best behavior, kids. Every single one of our crazy-ass parents were invited to this thing, too. You know. If they're not dead, and even then, they might still show up.

Phil's offered to make up an activity list for everyone. Try not to be too offended; he lives off the sound of your cries. Everyone knows the drill: pool, BBQ, sports, don't blow up the school and don't kill any of the students, no matter how horrible they are. That's just mean.

- Mariella

EMAIL: Commander Fury ---> Avengers Jun. 12th, 2010 @ 08:40 am
TO: "Avenger: The Black Jaguar", "Avenger: Iron Man", "Avenger: Mr. Marvel", "Avenger: Patriot", "Avenger: Hawkeye", "Avenger: Optic", "Avenger: X-Man", "Avenger: Chimera", "Avenger: Multiple Woman"
FROM: "Vice Director Commander Fury"
SUBJECT: S.H.I.E.L.D. Briefing
ATTACHMENTS: [ recent photos of Pietro, Wands and Erica Maximoff ]

Briefing )

EMAIL: Magnus Stark ---> Ben Parker May. 27th, 2010 @ 02:19 am
TO: [ "Parker, Ben" ]
FROM: [ "Stark, Magnus" ]
SUBJECT: Owen Rogers

Ben -

Installation for Owen Rogers' new arm has been moved to 12pm TODAY. Yes, I know it's inconvenient. No, I don't care that much. The press can deal with missing it. Whatever you have going on at 12pm, cancel it, or I will.

- M. Stark

EMAIL: Bex → Oli May. 26th, 2010 @ 10:50 am
TO: [ "LeBeau, Olivier" ]
FROM: [ "LeBeau, Rebecca" ]
SUBJECT: House Rules

Hi, Brother!

Just shooting you a quick e-mail on my lunch break because in all of this I forgot to lay down the rules here. I know you've crashed here before, but you've never crashed here with another person, so I just want to make things clear (and in writing in case I have to take legal action for damages, etc).

1. I've supplied Pella with a set of toiletries. She has hers, you have yours, don't touch mine. Pella is also borrowing a few of my clothes with my permission. She is not to go into my room and touch my closet. This is not a hotel and my wardrobe is not a store.

2. No guests.

3. You will supply your own groceries. I make breakfast and dinner every day and I don't mind making enough for both of you, but I'm going to charge $5 a plate to cover the groceries used - at least for Pella. You know I don't mind feeding family.

4. You will do your own laundry. Keep the bathroom clean. Don't let the bedroom become a mess. It's your space for now but this is still my apartment and I want to keep it presentable. I've supplied a clean pair of sheets. Please use them and please wash them. That also goes for any surface you have sex on - but I'd like it if you only had sex in the bed.

5. Feel free to listen to my music or watch my DVDs or read my books, but put everything back where you found it.

6. No guests.

Again, I don't mind YOU crashing here but this whole thing just sits with me the wrong way, Brother. I don't know her, I'm not comfortable with a stranger in my home while I'm not here. If all this gets followed I'll feel better.

I love you


PS: Are you sure this is worth it? Your job, your friends, Felicity - is she worth it?
Other entries
» EMAIL: Cassandra Barnum ---> Olivier Lebeau
TO: [ "Lebeau, Olivier" ]
FROM: [ "Barnum, Cassandra" ]

Olivier -

I'm adopting your girlfriend's case to take some of the stress off of Dr. Lane. I read in her initial file that you recommended our office for treatment, and I realize that her relation to you makes this case a slight conflict of interest.

We've hardly been on the best of terms since Emily. I'm sending you this to tell you that I forgive you. What happened was an accident and I'm too old for childhood grudges at this point.

I'll stop sending you disturbing things in the mail.

- Cassandra
» MASS EMAIL: May Parker ---> lady-types
TO: [ "Wisdom, Carmen" ], [ "Frost, Charlotte" ], [ "Logan, Mariella" ], [ "Lane, Daniela" ], [ "Drake, Beth" ], [ "Hardy, Felicity" ], [ "Madrox, Lilah" ], [ "Nelson, Lily" ], [ "Nelson, Morgan" ], [ "Blaire, Lola" ], [ "Madrox, Andrea" ], [ "Lee, Josie" ]
(ooc; if you think one of your characters SHOULD know May, assume they're on the guestlist and post. I'll just add them later. I'm of the opinion that everyone should know everyone, 'cause I said so, but I didn't want to assume TOO much.)
FROM: May Parker

For anyone who hasn't heard, I'm getting married on Friday, which means an insanely inconvenient impromptu bachelorette party. So we'll meet tonight at my mother's for drinks, do all of our girly shit first, and then we're crashing the Stark-sponsored shindig my fiance managed to inspire. I heard they have manstrippers, a DJ, and better food than we do.

Who's in?
» EMAIL: Wisdom ---> Mass Email
TO: [ "Stark, Magnus" ], [ "Lebeau, Olivier" ], [ "Parker, Ben"], [ "Madrox, Danny"], [ "McKenzie, Mel" ], [ "Rogers, Owen" ], [ "Beaubier, Phil" ], [ "Royce, Brian" ], [ "Allerdyce, Rainer" ], [ "Reilly, Mark" ], [ "Ryan, Aubrey" ], [ "Summers, Dane" ], [ "Barton, Will" ], [ "Rogers, Sam" ], [ "Rogers, James" ], [ "Grey, JC" ], [ "Summers, Alex" ], [ "Wagner, Sebastian" ], [ "Rasputin, Peter" ]
[ ooc: edited to add almost all the x-kids. so there. ]
FROM: [ "Wisdom, Roman" ]
SUBJECT: Drake's Bachelor Party

Charlie is clearly halfway to insane and wants to get married this Friday. Or maybe May wanted to get married this Friday and he's totally whipped. Either way, we're throwing him a bachelor party tomorrow night. Bring whatever doomsaying gifts you think are appropriate and if you're gay, try to put up with the hot lady strippers. For Charlie's sake.

If Royce and Rogers can't put up with each other, you guys need to deal with it, or one of you needs to back out. No bitchfights while we're all trying to convince Charlie that marriage is terrifying.

- Wisdom
» EMAIL: Felicia Hardy ---> Felicity Hardy, Riley Fireheart, Gene Thompson (not pictured)
TO: Felicity Hardy, Riley Fireheart
FROM: Felicia Hardy
SUBJECT: Mother's Day

Which one of you is going to invite your mother to dinner?
» MASS EMAIL: May Parker ---> other cops and stuff
TO: [ "Drake, Charlie" ], [ "Royce, Brian" ], [ "Beaubier, Phil" ], [ "Madrox, Daniel" ], [ "Wisdom, Roman" ], [ "Rogers, Owen" ], [ "Lebeau, Olivier" ]
FROM: May Parker

HOLY SHIT. Apparently Ock took out a SWAT team without flinching. Looks like Fear has friends in low places. And you know nobody will ever find them now that they know the police are onto them.

Fuck fuck fuck. And Venom is still out there. I feel so fucking useless right now. How about you?
» EMAIL: Will → Celia


So, hypothetical situation here.

You ask a guy out and he says yes. Then he accidentally mass texts his address book, including you, freaking out.

Does that mean he's not actually interested?

Shut up. I'm bad at this.

» EMAIL: Commander Fury ---> Avengers
TO: "Avenger: The Black Jaguar", "Avenger: Iron Lad", "Avenger: Captain Marvel", "Avenger: Patriot", "Avenger: Hawkeye II", "Avenger: Optic", "Avenger: X-Man"
FROM: "Vice Director Commander Fury"
SUBJECT: S.H.I.E.L.D. Briefing
ATTACHMENTS: [ attached are photographs of all targets mentioned in the email ]

Briefing )
» E-MAIL: Sebastian --> Penelope
TO: [ "McCoy, Penelope" ]
FROM: [ "Wagner, Sebastian" ]
SUBJECT: (no subject)

Leni Adler has your phone.

I don't know how to reach you without being a creep about it. I don't know if she returned your phone to you or what. But she took it and used it to call me. I have to change my number again - if you get your phone back or whatever, put my name as something other than my name. Harold O'Grady or Scott Summers, or something.

I'm so sorry about all this. I don't know why she's targeting you. I don't even know why she's targeting me but Penny, it's so screwed up. I think my dad is ready to kill a person. For real. I don't even want to know what would happen if my mother found out.

Still staying with Peter. He's taking care of me.

» EMAIL: May Parker ---> Everyone
TO: [ Everyone in Ben or May Parker's address book ]
FROM: May Parker

Ben's in the hospital. Critical condition. Taking off work to stay with him; please don't crowd the hospital. Call ahead. Thank you.

- May
» E-MAIL: Aubrey --> Mark
TO: [ "Reilly, Mark" ]
FROM: [ "Ryan, Aubrey" ]

Hey - I hope I didn't piss you off too bad. I was impolite. I was just joking around, k?
» E-Mail: Aubrey --> X-Babies
TO: [ Group: X-Kids ]
FROM: [ "Aubrey Ryan" ]

Just sounding the alarm.

A few days ago, the apartment I share with Penny McCoy was broken into. Leni Adler broke in, posed as Penelope, and arranged a meeting with Sebastian Wagner. She then drugged and sexually assaulted him, leaving for Penny to find him in the morning. He was taken to the hospital and the police were notified, and Penny and I have done a sweep for any stolen items, damage, bugs planted, etc.

I don't know whether Leni has an interest in Sebastian, or Penny, or if her motives are wider than that. She could do the same thing to any of you. I'm not telling you all to be insanely paranoid, but keep an eye out. If something seems fishy, start asking questions. She's moved from run-of-the-mill terrorism to something much more personal and invasive.

If anyone has any information regarding her whereabouts, please let me know. I've been trying to track her down and my not inconsiderable resources are running thin.

» EMAIL: Commander Fury ---> Avengers
TO: [ "Group: The Avengers" ]
FROM: [ "Commander Fury" ]

SHIELD debriefing tonight, 8 PM. No excuse for not being there.

- Vice Director Commander Xena Fury
» E-MAIL: Aubrey --> Mark
TO: [ Reilly, Mark ]
FROM: [ Ryan, Aubrey ]

Hey -

Normally I get used to seeing your name in the Bugle, but it's been a while with nothing from you. Thought that was weird. Is everything cool?

» E-MAIL: Aubrey --> Will
TO: [ Barton, Will ]
FROM: [ Ryan, Aubrey ]

Check it:

Cute redhead. Has lunch with me at Stark. Signs.

Don't be too jealous.
» EMAIL: Lola Blaire --> All Contacts
10 PM!

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