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TEXT: May ---> Rebecca Jun. 18th, 2010 @ 08:16 am
TO: Bex
FROM: Mayday

Save me.

TEXT: Pella ---> Bex, Josie Jun. 3rd, 2010 @ 12:07 pm
TO: Bex, Jo
FROM: Pella

I need new clothes. Anyone
who comes with me gets free
dinner out of it.

TEXT: Riley ---> Bex Jun. 2nd, 2010 @ 03:54 pm
TO: Bex
FROM: Riley

Hey. I'm sorry. What I did
wasn't me. Let me make it
up to you when I get home.

TEXT: Bex → Riley May. 30th, 2010 @ 03:02 pm
TO: Riley

I'm lonely.

I'm wearing that perfume
you like.

TEXT: Bex → Oli May. 30th, 2010 @ 12:55 pm
TO Oli

Hey <3

Just wanted to let you know
that I love you, k?
I've been giving you a hard
time lately and it's only b/c
I'm worried about you

You can always talk to me,

Other entries
» TEXT: Pella ---> Rebecca
TO: Rebecca
FROM: Pella

Guess what we found
» TEXT: Pella ---> Rebecca, Olivier
TO: Rebecca, Olivier
FROM: Pella

Met w. the police. Set up
with a new ID on condition
I never go to the press
+ make all this public.
If anyone asks, it's
Lizbeth Sinclair now.
Not that many people will
ask, but there it is.

Have also been encouraged
to change my appearance as
much as possible. Haven't
been recognized yet, but eh.
Excuse to get a new tattoo.

No, Oli, not of your name.
Keep dreaming.
» TEXT: Pella ---> Rebecca
TO: Rebecca
FROM: Pella


Will 200 cover me for
a week or so?

- Pella
» EMAIL: Bex → Oli
TO: [ "LeBeau, Olivier" ]
FROM: [ "LeBeau, Rebecca" ]
SUBJECT: House Rules

Hi, Brother!

Just shooting you a quick e-mail on my lunch break because in all of this I forgot to lay down the rules here. I know you've crashed here before, but you've never crashed here with another person, so I just want to make things clear (and in writing in case I have to take legal action for damages, etc).

1. I've supplied Pella with a set of toiletries. She has hers, you have yours, don't touch mine. Pella is also borrowing a few of my clothes with my permission. She is not to go into my room and touch my closet. This is not a hotel and my wardrobe is not a store.

2. No guests.

3. You will supply your own groceries. I make breakfast and dinner every day and I don't mind making enough for both of you, but I'm going to charge $5 a plate to cover the groceries used - at least for Pella. You know I don't mind feeding family.

4. You will do your own laundry. Keep the bathroom clean. Don't let the bedroom become a mess. It's your space for now but this is still my apartment and I want to keep it presentable. I've supplied a clean pair of sheets. Please use them and please wash them. That also goes for any surface you have sex on - but I'd like it if you only had sex in the bed.

5. Feel free to listen to my music or watch my DVDs or read my books, but put everything back where you found it.

6. No guests.

Again, I don't mind YOU crashing here but this whole thing just sits with me the wrong way, Brother. I don't know her, I'm not comfortable with a stranger in my home while I'm not here. If all this gets followed I'll feel better.

I love you


PS: Are you sure this is worth it? Your job, your friends, Felicity - is she worth it?
» TEXT: Pella ---> Rebecca
TO: Rebecca
FROM: Pella

Hey, I don't mean to bother
you at work but could I borrow
your shampoo? Olivier gave me
your number before he left to
meet with his boss in case I
needed to ask you anything.

I'd go shopping but I'd rather
keep the number of people who
know I'm back from the dead
rather limited.
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