Feb. 11th, 2008


Ravens for the cup!

Ravens for the cup!
A series of Ravenclaw inspired poems.

(Posted in order I thought them up!)

Barb is barbaric.
With her quick and deadly aim,
Snakes never saw it.

Ann is a point hoe.
With her quick eyes and fingers,
Like ninja, she strikes.

Drew is our rookie.
So you lot can not have him!
Caw, Caw, clever bird.

Juls is so evil.
Secret mastermind she is.
Well until Qem blabbed.

Pheebs is Ravens heart.
Intelligent and sneaky.
Mwah ha ha ha haa!

Qem is Raven's bard.
With wit and grace she'll perform.
Such sweet sounds she makes.

Sanne is our hero!
She fights for truth and justice!
Also, sweet cookies.

Jan. 5th, 2008


[qemfic] [Poem ]- What is this? [Inuyasha]

Title: What is this?
Genre: haiku
Rating: PG
Pairings: Um. While I do have something in mind, I'd prefer it be what comes to mind.
Warnings: ... angst. D: ... fluff. :D
Summary (optional): This is time.

What is this? )