Jan. 24th, 2008


Fanfic hikago/ouran xover.

Title: 21 shades of red (and three green)
Author: Qem
Category: Crossover, Gen, Humour.
Summary: Wait, you thought go-players were crazy?

Authors Note: Crossover with Ouran and Hikaru no go.

More of a Hikago focus but you can see cameos by almost all of the main characters.
To see the original version (with more explicit references to the song... Can't believe I wrote another songfic. Well sorta. D:) which was written for the LiveJournal Community Blind(underscore)Go - please go see; answer-key(dot)livejournal(dot)com/42854.html

THIS, is the better version though.

All ten of the themes http://community.livejournal.com/blindgo/13974.html#cutid1 were referenced here... Can you spot them?

CC welcome.

This version has more scenes (close to 1000 words more) than the original, and has been smoothed out quite a bit!

Fangirl Glee. )

Jan. 2nd, 2008


[qemfic] The Go Board

TITLE: The Go Board
AUTHOR: [info]qem_chibati
RECIPIENT: [info]macey_muse
PAIRING: Goban/Sai forever! + Shusaku (Kuwabara Torajiro)
TL;DR. (This is almost at nine thousand words and the min was 1000)
Um. Death, but I think that one was obvious.

Request 2: Shusaku-era gen – how did the possession occur? Or, did Shusaku –really- let Sai play –all- the time, or did Sai 'forget' to mention his rebellious side? If neither options appeal, anything would do – there's so little from this time.

It's all a matter of push and pull.

Go has traditionally been a game of politics. Go players traditionally hate politics. These two statements are not incompatible. This may explain why Go players are traditionally crazy.


I strongly suspect for this I was inspired from a Lord of the Rings quote, LoTR in your hikago? It's more likely than you think. about how a long life pulls at people in ways that fundamentally break them. But I've always thought that pressure can break a person just as well.

A large nod towards Sensis library (http://senseis.xmp.net/) which was used as research for this fic - and may have provided inspiration for some of the ideas long ago when researching other fics with discussions on there. :)


The Go Board

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