January 29th, 2008

[info]qem_chibati in [info]gemini_gems


All of my icons unless made for a specific person are free to use.

These are mostly all older icons, many were made spur of the moment for icontests. D:
Credit: Adored and appreciated but not necessary; Chibati on greatestjournal, qem_chibati @ lj.

Comments/Critism/Suggestions/Advice: Very welcome and pounced on like a procrastinating uni student.

Genshiken * 2
Inuyasha * 19
Gundam wing * 1
Bleach * 8
Fullmetal panic * 1
Ouran * 1
Princess nine * 1
Gong * 1 (animated)
D.n.angel * 3

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Icons, icons icons. )