January 24th, 2008

[info]qem_chibati in [info]gemini_gems

[fanfic] Trouble part 1/?

Shortfic/Drabble: Round zw3 - Prompt leisure written for hngprompts on LJ
Title: Trouble
Rating: PG
Genre: crossover
Characters: Shikamaru, Kawai, Hikaru
Summary: Shikamaru is on a job. He however has some free time to get into some troublesome matters.
WordCount: 815
Authors note: ;.; I'm sorry about the ending.
Ever since Waya, Isumi and that Shindou had stumbled in years ago, Insei tended to come to visit the salon... )

[info]qem_chibati in [info]gemini_gems

FMA drabbles

A set of related or unrelated drabbles. Focusing on Mei.

Title: Into darkness
Rating: G
Genre: Introspective
Pairings: None
Word Count: 130
Summary: Mei never quite liked this city.
Past the creepy crawly sensation )

Title: Nice (Birthday Fic for [info]soraphilia )
Rating: G
Genre: Introspective
Pairings: Mei/Al
Word Count: 170
Mei sat down at the table, snuggling her nose into the top of Xiao Mei's head. )

Title: The Truth
Rating: PG for Ed's potty mouth
Genre: Gen
Pairings: Mei->Ed
Word Count: 164
The truth )

* English used for whatever language it is. Language thoughts influenced by this post, http://www.livejournal.com/community/xing_empire/3245.html

[info]qem_chibati in [info]gemini_gems

Icon Post


Black Cat: 6
Bleach: 3
Cromartie live action movie: 2.
Fruitbasket/Furuba: 11.
Prince of Tennis: 28
Total: 50

Credit: Adored and appreciated but not necessary; Chibati on greatestjournal, qem_chibati @ lj.
Comments/Critism/Suggestions/Advice: Very welcome and pounced on like a procrastinating uni student.

Rating: PG13+
One of the icons features the "one fingered salute".
Het pairing icons.
Slash pairing icons.

Image hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by Photobucket

Coincidental that its a nice round 50 )

http://aisho.net/smg/ -for templates.
http://community.livejournal.com/tropical_icons/ -For talking about icons and techniques and etc.

Icons were made either for request, amusement, learning or for prompts at the following communities:
http://community.livejournal.com/bleachorus/profile - Bleach icontest
http://community.livejournal.com/shonen_icontest/profile - icontest for shonen series
http://community.livejournal.com/tohruxkyou/profile - pairing community for Tohru and Kyou;

Extra Pimp: http://community.livejournal.com/lims_bleach/profile is a last icon maker standing community for bleach icons that needs more people to join in!

Planning on Crossposting a lot.

[info]qem_chibati in [info]gemini_gems

Fanfic hikago/ouran xover.

Title: 21 shades of red (and three green)
Author: Qem
Category: Crossover, Gen, Humour.
Summary: Wait, you thought go-players were crazy?

Authors Note: Crossover with Ouran and Hikaru no go.

More of a Hikago focus but you can see cameos by almost all of the main characters.
To see the original version (with more explicit references to the song... Can't believe I wrote another songfic. Well sorta. D:) which was written for the LiveJournal Community Blind(underscore)Go - please go see; answer-key(dot)livejournal(dot)com/42854.html

THIS, is the better version though.

All ten of the themes http://community.livejournal.com/blindgo/13974.html#cutid1 were referenced here... Can you spot them?

CC welcome.

This version has more scenes (close to 1000 words more) than the original, and has been smoothed out quite a bit!

Fangirl Glee. )