February 7th, 2011

[info]web_head in [info]gangsofnyx_ooc

OOC Intro!

Hey there everybody! This is Nick and I'm bringing in a new character! Peter Parker to be exact. A few things to know about Peter for all you Brotherhood peeps out there; Pete is a Sentinel. That's right, you heard that correctly. Peter Parker is a Sentinel. ZOMG!GASP! /dramatics

A normal human that grew up in NYC, Peter had a hard knock life with out all of that singing. His history is pretty similar to cannon with a few exceptions. All of the details can be found here in his profile for the curious few. What has stayed the same is his uncle's death which Pete had taken to heart. He felt the senseless murder was his fault and has warped his life around that moment. So to keep things like that from happening to others, he became a cop. Because of his tenacious attitude and deductive skills, he was transfered to the Sentinels.

Now what does that mean for the folks of Mutant Town? Whyyy it means that people won't be able to get away with nearly as much any more. ;) Pete is damn near relentless in the chase. He's also a decent person and an exceptional cop. So he may bust your ass but he's not going to beat you senseless. He's not crooked like some of the people on the force. So no worries there.

SO! Plot suggestions and ideas would be much appreciated! I think it was more or less unofficially decided that he'll be partnered up with Paladin? I'm not too sure but we can definitely work that out. If you have any ideas, feel free to drop them here! I look forward to playing with you all with both characters. :D my aim is still nightcrwlr48 if you want to chat or plot on there.