September 28th, 2009

[info]wolfsbaneway in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Dallon and Gerard.
What: Gerard continues his interrogations.
When: Saturday evening.
Where: Dallon's quarters

Gerard was on a roll, and he was coming to the end of his list of people to talk to. After speaking with Adam he was starting to think he might know what was going on, but he had to be sure before taking any sort of action.

Dallon was next, and while he hadn't heard anything about him feeling sick, it would be good to check up on him, especially since he had arrived late to the castle in the first place, which might give him a better idea when and where the sickness had come from. Light was streaming into the hall from beneath Dallon's door, which was a good sign that he was home. He knocked lightly, pausing before asking, "Professor Weekes?" He'd thought about just 'Dallon', but that was too familiar for someone he'd met only once, and he was on official business, and everything.

Right. Now was not the time to be distracted.

[info]wolfsbaneway in [info]from_the_ashes

Notice Posted in the Staff Lounge (Sunday morning)

((OOC: I'm jumping into next week early by a day. Keep on trucking for this week, however. I'm just jumping the gun a smidge in order to get the ball rolling.))


As many of you already know, approximately twenty students have now been struck by magical fatigue. Most of the students originally showing symptoms were in the lower grades, but as of this morning, a few seemingly unrelated N.E.W.T students also started showing symptoms. The exact cause is currently unknown. We also don't know whether or not it is contagious or just taking longer to show in the older, more experienced students.

If you see any students who are exhibiting symptoms of magical fatigue, please escort them to the infirmary. If you have any relevant information that may help us pinpoint the cause of the issue, you can contact me by owl.

-Auror Way