September 27th, 2009

[info]peteypan in [info]from_the_ashes

[owl to gabe] (sent friday)

I know what you're done and I'm extremely cross with you. I am, however, happy to accept bribes in lieu of appropriate revenge.

peter lewis kingston wentz III

[info]wolfsbaneway in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Adam and Gerard.
What: Gerard interrogates! Politely.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Where: Adam's rooms.

Gerard had, by Friday night, made a fairly comprehensive list of the people to speak with about the magically fatigued students. Whether it was some form of magical illness or a classroom activity gone wrong, something had to be done to find out how far its reach was and whether or not it would spread to anyone else in the castle.

As he'd promised the Headmaster, he took precautions by wearing gloves throughout the day as he spoke to people. Just in case. It sparked a little bitterness in him, of course, even though it was such a minor concession--just one more reminder that he would never be able to do his job in quite the same way another auror would. But it was chilly enough already, thankfully, that the gloves wouldn't look entirely out of place.

Halfway through his rounds of the castle, speaking to students and teachers alike, he heard whispers about Professor Lazarra had behaved strangely on the Quidditch pitch, and those whispers were more than enough to pique his interest. He'd planned on talking to Adam at some point or another since once of the students afflicted had been in a class of his, but now he had even further reason to pay him a visit.

He was at his rooms by late afternoon, and knocked briskly on his door. "Professor Lazarra? Are you in?"