The Founders' Legacy - 1994

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The Founders' Legacy - 1994


June 29th, 2008

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Who: Members of the Order of the Phoenix
When: Sunday, 1pm
Where: 12 Grimmauld Place

Surveying the gathering, Dumbledore sighed softly... )

May 29th, 2008

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[notice posted in the Professors' lounge]


Please sign this post should you wish to leave Hogwarts for Easter Break.

Thank you.


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[Two separate notices posted to all information boards]

Hogsmeade Weekend

Students are reminded that
Saturday, March 31
students from third year and up are allowed to visit
the village of Hogsmeade,
provided they have a signed permission slip from parent or guardian.

M. McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress


Easter Break

Students are reminded that Easter Break is from
Monday, April 2 until Monday, April 9, both days incl.

The Hogwarts Express will be leaving
Hogsmeade Station
11am, Sunday, April 1,
and will return from
Kings Cross Station, London
11am, Monday, April 9.

Happy Easter.

M. McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

April 6th, 2008

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Who: Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Charlie Weasley, possibly McGonagall and Pince
Where: The Headmaster's office, Hogwarts castle; later the dungeon
When: After Hours
Warnings/rating: Adult, the boys are having a honeymoon

wedding bells were not ringing, but both grooms' nerves were shot )

March 22nd, 2008

Owl to McGonagall

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Owl to McGonagall )

February 27th, 2008

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Who: Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore
When: Morning of December 27
Where: McG's rooms at first, then Dumbledore's office
Why: Because I'm insane :P Because Regulus needed a journal so McG accidentally forgot hers in a pub in the town Reg lives. And now she's demanding I write this :P And since she's otherwise quiet who am I to deny her when she finally wants to do something.

McG sat down with an angry huff and looked at her living room. Her various belongings lay scattered about and she knew her bedroom and office looked no different. And yet... no journal.

She tightened her tartan dressing gown around her and tried to regain some control of her hair. During her furious search for the blasted journal her long hair had come undone and was now flowing over her shoulders in a most unladylike manner.

With a new impatient huff she let her hair be and pulled out her wand, once more trying to summon her journal to her. When the charm again failed she growled angrily, stood up and moved through her rooms into her office and reached the door. She banged it shut behind her and strode quickly to Dumbledore's office, just barely remembering to knock on the door.

January 25th, 2008

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Who: Everyone
When: Friday, November 24, after lunch
Where: Hogwarts Grounds
Why: There be great winged monsters, m'dears

First Task of the Triwizard Tournament

McGonagall fiddled nervously with her cloak as she walked through the grounds down to the site for the first task. She knew what she was approaching but still the sound of the dragon roars made her nostrils flare.
Setting students up against dragons... really...
All around her students were talking excitedly, milling around as they discussed what the first task would be, until they turned the corner and faced the enclosures.


An eerie silence fell over the crowd at the sight, interspersed with a few screams, then a buzzing sound spread.

McGonagall frowned with annoyance as she passed a number of people discussing the Champions' chances of survival, then she finally made her way up to the part of the stadium which was reserved for the Hogwarts staff and judges. She settled with an annoyed huff right behind Moody who was humming some tune to himself.

January 15th, 2008

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Who: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy
When: November 13 after lessons
Where: The Potions Lab
Rating: TBD

... )

January 1st, 2008

First Post!

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Who: Anyone who would be at Hogwarts for Halloween
Where: the Hogwarts Great Hall
When: 1994, Halloween, suppertime
Mod note: Opening thread! Use it as you see fit. The more the merrier! (sorry to those who have adult pups--yours probably wouldn't be here. Feel free to post your own. At the Broomsticks, maybe?) Portions of this entry have been quoted verbatum from the original text

The Hall was eerily quiet. Certainly, no one had expected the Goblet to flare a fourth time. They also hadn't expected Dumbledore to actually pay attention to the fourth strip of paper that had floated down to him from it. Still, perhaps it should have been a surprise to no one the name that was called.

"Harry Potter."

All eyes turned to the pale, dark-haired boy who sat, frozen in place at the attention, and a flurry of whispers filled the room.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called again. "Harry! Up here, if you please!"
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