Forgotten Gods: Histories [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods

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As the present now will later be past [Oct. 22nd, 2010|03:27 pm]
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Who: George, Tea
Where: Constantinople
When: 1642
What: George meets his first New God (that he's aware of, anyway) and Tea meets a worshiper

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Dustland Fairytale [Aug. 18th, 2010|08:51 am]
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[music |"Dustland Fairytale"--The Killers]

Who: George, Ate
When: 1858
Where: Savannah, Georgia
What: Hey, we were in that book together!

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As He died to make men holy [Jun. 26th, 2010|10:47 am]
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Who: Saint George, Kara
When: April 9, 1865
Where: The Battle of Appomattox Courthouse
What: It's almost over

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Since God Is Marching On [Jun. 15th, 2010|09:56 pm]
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Who: Etain, St. George
When: Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862
Where: Sharpsburg, Maryland
What: War is Hell

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