Forgotten Gods - October 9th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 9th, 2010

Things! [Oct. 9th, 2010|02:17 pm]


Alright, first off, we have several orders of business to address. This will be sorta long.

- I am officially off slowatus.

- Joyously enough, I commemorate the losses with a new pup: Temperance, the heavenly Virtue. Long story short, Temperance is very unstable due to the lack of actual widespread enactment of self control in the world, and American!Temperance is an absolute wreck because hello, America; our nickname is basically Land of Indulgence and McDonald's. She has a tendency of responding to feeling out of control by self-medicating through emotionally crippling herself. If you've been here for more than a few months you are probably familiar with the old Gluttony/Temperance fiasco [if you don't know, I'd highly suggest reading through Glut's journal and their logs, because it's awesome]. After dealing with all the backlash from that, Temperance had a serious breakdown and ended up physically crippling herself to distract from everything else.

Currently, she is a wheelchair-bound, soft-spoken volunteer who supports herself out of her meticulous savings, as she is currently unemployed. This is hard to summarize comprehensibly, so if you really want to understand it you should probably look at her [albeit terribly long] history--the most important stuff can be found in the last half if you don't give a shit about the rest. All Christian acquaintances are free to make confused faces at her while she smiles back mildly and gives away nothing.

As always, I can be messaged on AIM at Judo Creature for plots and chattings, and anything else you need to know can be found in her info post.

--Judo; Kumiho, Sloth, Asteria, Melissa Kwan
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