Forgotten Gods - October 8th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 8th, 2010

[Oct. 8th, 2010|10:36 am]
Lis here -- player of Hades, seriously new addition to FG and ...I bring another (two!) in. Because FG is like alcohol to a longtime AA member.

This is Patience, one of the slightly grey-around-the-edges Virtues. She is, as everyone would assume, soft-voiced, constant, a help to those with a lot to deal with -- but as the era of instant gratification has hit in, fewer people who call on her are ...nice. She gets a lot of criminals, these days, and has numerous working relationships with others that perhaps aren't especially godly. She's strong-willed, can outlast anyone ever in a cold war and well. You know what they say about revenge.

Her profile (and history) is here and throw at me what you will: Sins and Virtues is an absolute given (in a, 'If not, why not, hell to pay, etc, etc') but I can also see her having ~history with various elements as Patience has always been rather a hot commodity in days of yore.

Currently, she's a hospice volunteer and works in a knitting shop. Laugh at your peril: she is armed.

On the other! At [info]wingedgoddess I have winged Nike, daughter of Pallas and Styx, one of that family. >_> It was always going to happen. Nike is a little twitchy, a lot solemn and rather less inclined to obey orders and go where commanded these days -- she has to be won and the declining state of war (what is this: battle for twenty years, no end-goal in mind, no way of winning?) has left her a little bereft of what being won feels like. There's that ~athletic shoe~ thing, which keeps her going in the meantime but Nike is a wanderer (and a mechanic) who keeps on moving and looking for new places to hover in case someone might pull her in (on her motorbike)

Her profile (and the history) are at this post (yes, I followed the trend with a layout, now it all fits in, shh) and backstory and plot are love and adoration. Anything with a win-lose outcome probably knows her, and of course, Greeks are love. (Messed up, screwed up, tragic love, but love all the same)

Kill me not, but slay me with potential plot, for I am quite alarmed by how quickly I wrote these applications after getting into FG. Blame it on playing a sociopathic abusive madman; I needed more ~variety.
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These muses are like a unhealthy bag of potato chips... [Oct. 8th, 2010|10:42 am]
Ren here with a few things. One, meet Hiro, the New God of J-rock. He's a fun kid, bio found here. I assume he'll fit in with the music crowd, anime/manga and comic books? For a start at least. And please by all means if you have ANY ideas, plots, for J-rock, or ANY of my kids throw them my way!!!!!! XD

Speaking of J-rock as of tomorrow afternoon I am flying out with friends to go see X-Japan in New York, so I will be gone until Wednesday afternoon. Which subsequently I have to work right after I fly in (oh the jet lag), so I will be scarce until I return. Email me, I will be checking that every day if not by phone! XD So any logs (including ones I throw up before leaving), plots, tags, etc will be slow until Wednesday. Just giving you a head's up!

[Achilles, Oedipus, Eros, Dionysus, The Red Baron, Doc Holliday, Robin Hood, Orpheus, Leucippus, Kenneth Rhodes]
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:O [Oct. 8th, 2010|12:44 pm]



I forgot in my last OOC post, so forgive me for flooding! :O I had posted here earlier that I had started a web comic based off myth/the Iliad which will consist of a series of shorts (between15-20 pages each). It started yesterday! This is obsession to the nth degree, and fanart for FG I guess? Lol.This will be a bi-weekly comic posted on Tainted Reality and my Deviant Art account. TA is still working on the mechanics of things to make it all shiny and pretty (so when it's up please floodgate it!). But until then go to my DA. If you want a little rundown here is the overall synopsis go to the Tainted Reality site and the demographic pitch here. So flood, tell all your friends, link, whatever! XD

Thanks for the support guys and I hope you keep your eyes peeled and interested!!!!!!


[Achilles, Oedipus, Eros, Dionysus, The Red Baron, Doc Holliday, Orpheus, Leucippus, Robin Hood, Kenneth Rhodes and J-rock]
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[Oct. 8th, 2010|03:18 pm]


It's intro post day, apparently! Go! This might be a fairly familiar face to some people, to others, he will be because he's noisy as hell.

This is Nerites. The guy that turned down Aphrodite and Olympus, former charioteer/lover of Poseidon, pissed Helios off by challenging him to a chariot race and got turned into a mollusc. That's enough ancient history though.

He goes by Darius now and has just move back to NYC, he's a stunt pilot/driver by trade and more than a little bit of an adrenaline junkie. At the moment he's taking a break from movies to get his head straight after his most recent relationship catastrophe and is working as a flight instructor, just to share his love of speed and wind.

Play, plot, whatever ♥,

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[Oct. 8th, 2010|05:28 pm]


Another intro post? What? This late in the day? Blame my new puppy, he's kept me otherwise occupied all day. (Anyone have any tips on getting a dog to stop nipping/biting? It's driving me nuts.)

Anyway, moving right along! This pretty young thing here is Madeleine Gallagher, a ballet dancer, violinist, and general overachieving mortal girl from Chicago. She's come to New York to study music composition at Columbia. Maddy has absolutely no idea her father happens to be in the city -- or that her father happens to be one of the oldest Drug Gods. Opium doesn't know (yet) that she's in town either, so shenanigans of that sort will ensue. I'd also like to plot her with other Columbia staff/students, musical types, and anyone in general.

Contact info remains the same as ever, I'm usually available between 5-ish and 11 pm EST most nights for chat and plotting, etc etc!


EDIT: Wait, I suppose I have to specify which Kat I am now, don't I? Are we KatOne and KatTwo? I'm the one who plays Johnny and all those hellions.
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intro >> dee & frigg [Oct. 8th, 2010|05:57 pm]
Hello, everyone! I'm Dee, a new mun, and I'm so excited to be playing in this game. I've never been in an RPG this big and active before and, while it's pretty intimidating, I can't wait to get started.

My first (of probably many, OTL) character is Frigg, whose profile is here. She's very much a mother goddess, but she's the kind of mother who knows exactly which angle will make her glare into the rear-view mirror quiet every rowdy child in her minivan. She makes it clear that she is there to support her pantheon when they deserve to be supported, except for you, Loki. cause yous a dick loki Level-headed and consummate in the face of extreme stress, Frigg does her best to earn her title of 'Queen of the Æsir' every day of her existence. But mention her dead son, Baldr, and you can probably make her out-sob a dateless sixteen year-old on prom night. :D)-\ Everyone has their weak spots.

I'm open to any & all plot suggestions. My contact info is up on the list, but you can reach me easiest through a PM on insanejournal.

Nice to meet you all!
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Friday night/Saturday (for some) Meme time? ^_^ [Oct. 8th, 2010|06:39 pm]


[mood | amused]

I think we need a meme, FG, since it's been a while. And do you know what meme we need?


Did you hit the bar so hard last night it hit back? Or is this a terrible prank some silly Trickster just played on everyone? Either way, you're not alone, and maybe not even in your bed, this morning.

-Post as your characters (mention whether they're still asleep, awake and confused/horrified, still cuddling, whatever)
-Other characters will comment waking up next to yours
-Comment as much as you like, whatever... not really many rules here.
-It's up to you whether your character actually remembers how they got in this position.

Most of all, have fun, make crack, and spam my inbox ^_^

(ooc - I totally wanted an excuse to use my mini-Hymenaios icon >_<)
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[Oct. 8th, 2010|07:44 pm]
Hi you guys!

First of all many thanks for all the support. It's much appreciated ^_^

Second of all, this is Eupheme, one of the younger Kharites. She represented: acclaim, praise, shouts of triumph and applause. She's the type of girl that always has something nice to say about people, but will not just give out empty praise. It's the whole 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' type of thing. Her profile is here, and I'd love some plot for her and all of the rest. I'll still be a little slow though.

If the PB looks familiar I used her for an NPC who I have dropped.
Also ten internet-cookies if you 'get' the username >.>

Charlie (Set, Sekhmet, Clio, Daphne, The Sphinx, Apate, Ariadne, Absinthe, Scheherazade, Morgan Le Fay, Legion, Tiamat, alicia Green and now Eupheme)
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[Oct. 8th, 2010|10:06 pm]


Another intro, a bit on the belated side, but better late than never, right?  Introducing The Boogeyman, or Reginald (never Reggie) as he prefers to go by these days.  The monster under your bed, the creature in the closet, he is all of these things and more, here in time to make the most of his favorite time of the year. 
Also making note of bringing back Psychological Warfare ([info]mind_overmatter), at least once I get around to swapping around icons and whatnot.  Contact information is all still the same for these two and all my brats. 

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