Forgotten Gods - August 27th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 27th, 2010

[Aug. 27th, 2010|12:11 am]


Hello FGers! It's Jess, with an (old) new character. This is Blodeuwedd, who was actually one of my first characters in FG. I dropped her quite some time back but I never stopped being fascinated by her myth - so I've given her a bit of a revamp and I'm throwing her back into play.

Blodeuwedd's myth, condensed. )

These days Blodeuwedd can be found hiding out in Central Park - sometimes in human form, more often as an owl. Having been cursed by Gwydion never to walk in the light of day again, she'll only show her face at night, though at this point whether that's due to the binding power of the magic or something purely psychological is anyone's guess. She's a solitary creature, trusting few and always longing for the flowers to which she can never return.

And as always plot and stuff, with Blodeuwedd or any of my other kids, is always welcome! :D

- Jess
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Hello, yn falch o fod yma! [Aug. 27th, 2010|02:24 am]


[mood | chipper]

Yn bleser i gyfarfod รข chi i gyd! // A pleasure to meet you all!

Thank you very much, Google translation service! Do not ask me to read that aloud.

Hi, I'm Sen, some know me *waves to them* but I'm new, just joining on this crazy train! I'm bringing with me Saint David, patron saint of Cymru/Wales. He's lovely really, and used to dealing with Women's Societies and church fundraisers and things like that. But he's decided enough is enough and he's packing his bags and heading for the big smoke- New York City! wooaaahhh!- to see his brethren and try something new. It is 2010 after all, he's been a saint for 890 years, it's about time he saw a show on Broadway. He loves musicals. Musicals and male-voice choirs and boybands and American Idol. Shh, it's the closest to an eisteddford he can get in this country! (Weirdly, Australia is big on them. Huh.)

So, if anyone wants to hit me up for plots etc, I will be most available and open to them. His bio is here- have at thee!

ddiolch 'ch iawn lawer // thank you very much =)
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