Forgotten Gods - August 26th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 26th, 2010

Hiatus/drops [Aug. 26th, 2010|09:26 am]


[mood | busy]

On Saturday I'm off to Australia to visit my folks and I'll be gone until the 12th of September. I might be able to get online once or twice to try and catch up but it's pretty unlikely, so consider me MIA until I return.

So with that in mind I'm going to do what I've been trying to do for ages, and drop the characters I'm just sitting on: Kallisto, Andromeda, The Phoenix, Anat, and Fashion Industry. (I'm also really considering dropping Calliope as I do nothing with her, but I don't want to leave the Muses down a sister. Is there anyone else who'd be interested in snapping her up if I did drop her? Especially since I've, you know, maimed her horribly...)

~ Circe (Ate, Briseis, Calliope, Cara, Demeter, Eisheth, Hathor, Heavy Metal, Inanna, The Keres, Natalie, Nephthys, Peitho, Rohypnol, Shesmu, Sorcha, Tlazolteotl)
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[Aug. 26th, 2010|07:20 pm]


[mood | discontent]

Hello all. Lara here with my newest character. This is Artemis and her bio is here

Let the plotting commence. Hit me up here, on email, or on AIM at nightingalesouls. I'm going to have her in NYC so she can go see anyone or meet up with anyone. Just let me know.

~Lara (Baphomet, Elisabeth, Lore Ley, Patroclus, Anteros, Liam the Leprechaun, Alistair Ramsay, Hybris, Hermes and Saint Patrick)
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back! (sorta) [Aug. 26th, 2010|08:46 pm]


Hello FG,

I'm back in the saddle (finally!), but posting will be slowish until the end of the month, when I can start concentrating on what my job really pays me for, and stop worrying about things involving calculations and settlement statements ;)

In the meantime, here's a summary of where my characters are/have been lately. I may be slow, but plot is always welcome :) If there's been anything important going on that might have involved one of mine, let me know! Also, if there's anything I had planned - plotwise - with people that I've forgotten, please don't hesitate to remind me.

Character Status )

I look forward to getting back into things again - even if it is a little slower than usual at the moment :)

&hearts Michelle
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