Forgotten Gods - August 17th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 17th, 2010

beep beep bandwagoning [Aug. 17th, 2010|01:37 am]
I'm gonna join the cool kids and go on slowatus, ladies and germs. Everything is kind of high-stress right now for me, and there's a lot of tl;dr about depression management and new medication, so I pretty much have to go and do that.

This doesn't mean I'll be gone completely or anything, but I'll be pretty slow with tags and email replies and the like. Many apologies to those I owe tags to currently- I'll get them out eventually, I swear, I just need to get my brain in gear again. To those I'm currently involved in plots with, I'll be able to keep stuff going if you give me a poke. I sort of have the brain power of a goldfish lately. ;_;

- Amy (Paparazzi, 4chan, Terpsichore, Gwyneth, etc)
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Plot ideas. Just add YOU! Also, hi, i'm new. [Aug. 17th, 2010|02:06 am]
Hello! My name is Jack [or if you already have a 'Jack' in your life; MmeJack] and I bring to you my first character: The Tibetan Snow Lion from Tibetan Buddhism.

My app is here and tells you pretty much all you need to know:

I'm super stoked to play with you guys and am looking for people to plot with. I'm down for anything. Really. Anything. If you've got a character [or two, or four] you wouldn't mind meeting with this guy then I'd love to hear from you. Let me know and we can brainstorm something.

Quick and dirty facts about the new guy:
- Goes by the name Dga'
- Changes age depending on how relaxed he is. Never any older than 21. Also fluid gender; usually a young boy but he's at that age where it's hard to tell sometimes.
- He doesn't have a job and sleeps at a homeless shelter when there's an extra bed. He washes up in airport bathrooms and is cool with all this. He volunteers full time instead.
- Always wears Tibetan monk robes under a [garish] white hoodie with turquoise fur trim. [protip: that's his mane]
- Pretty much the god of perkiness. No really. His domain is being happy [about and because he's enlightened]
- He's pretty powerful too all things considered, but doesn't really come off like that. Unless he suddenly turns into a lion... which he does often.
- Yes he is enlightened, but that doesn't make him the brightest crayon in the tool box. He's pretty naive, a little too selfless and probably easy to take advantage of.
- He's damn good at parcours. This happens when your main job is romping along the tops of the world's highest mountains.
- Sometimes he seems like he has a slight learning disability. Who knows if it's true.

Fun facts:
the Snow Lion's roar embodies the sound of 'emptiness', courage, truth, implies freedom from karma and is the challenging call to awakening. It is so powerful it can cause 7 dragons to fall out of the sky. Because of this, Dga' will rarely ever roar.

Another influence from America has left Dga' with the inability to eat meat. He will only eat tofu and other protein imitations if they are shaped or based after animal products. He does not eat vegetables, but does own a pack of cookie cutters in various animal shapes to get around this problem.

Additionally, it is unclear the effect catnip would have on him.
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[Aug. 17th, 2010|06:28 pm]


[mood | tired]

Hello, FG! Just a note to let you know I'll be replying to things slowly because I have a video exam tomorrow (yikes!) and then I will be winging my way away from beautiful New Zealand on Friday here, which is Thursday in the states. I'll be out of commission until Friday night, US Mountain time. Because that is when I get in to the Helena (Montana) airport to visit the family!

Which means I will be in the US for two weeks and able to RP (in the evenings at least) hours! I know, right?! It will make it a lot easier for me to tag threads with people in the US (time zones can be a bitch), so if you want to write something with me then, let me know and we can plot!

~Lara (Patroclus, Hermes, Alastair, Liam the Leprechaun, Elisabeth, Lore Lay, Baphomet, St. Patrick, Anteros and Hybris)
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[Aug. 17th, 2010|07:31 pm]


Hi all. ^^

Two things! First, I'm going to be away without internet access this weekend, so starting Friday and likely ending Tuesday, I won't be able to get to tags. I apologize in advance!

Second, due to some RL circumstances, I haven't been around on AIM much, so if you'd like to get a hold of me for plots or anything else (which are always welcomed) please e-mail me. This will probably be the best way to get a hold of me for a while.

(Morpheus, Iris, Triton, Boreas, Caerus, Astraios, Khione, Tartaros, Horror, Physics, Corvina, Oliver, Maarten, Chastity, Belphegor, Zerachiel, and Sigyn.)
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