Forgotten Gods - August 16th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 16th, 2010

/silent scream [Aug. 16th, 2010|03:43 pm]
Contrary to popular belief, I am still alive; the sniper rifles did not actually kill me, and jumping off the top of that building was actually a ruse to make my attackers think they had won.  I'm sorry to disappoint you all [we still have time to cancel the candlelight vigil, right?].

Anywho.  I am back.  Vacation was nice.  I hate hotel beds.  Hiatus is officially changed to a slowatus, because some of you are cretins and cannot let my poor mind rest even during my predetermined "I do not want to worry about roleplay" time, so I am tentatively slipping back into some modicum of activity.  Balls.

Apologies to everyone in the HMD I have not yet responded to.  Vacation kind of got in the way of that, but it will be rectified once my brain grows back.

Cheers.  --Judo; Martel, Kumi, Eve, Bou, Sloth, Asteria, Melissa
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[Aug. 16th, 2010|08:18 pm]
Hello all, Vari again and since I’ve never really acquired a knack for intro posts, here’s to keeping this one short and free from my usual babble.

First up! This gentleman right here is Moros, Greek spirit of doom and destruction (& by association and extension destiny and despair thus making him four sevenths of the Endless /geek) another child of Erebos and Nyx. Anyway, the ancient Greeks, being a fun bunch, had a rather peculiar idea of the roles of fate and death and how they worked together that, more or less, boils down to an individual has to die in the manner the Fates say and that’s that. Moros' gig in the ancient world was to herd people in that direction and then hand the actual death portion off to one of his siblings, either the Keres or Thanatos. The horrible, horrible irony surrounding the deaths in some Greek myths? Moros having a lark. Under the name Olethros, he filled a slightly more expanded role of dooming cities as opposed to individuals (hello, Troy). He spent the last several years working as an appellant court judge in Texas before he began the chore of relocating to New York following the events of the black out back in May. His full bio is right this way. He is very much open for any plot whatsoever.

Next is MSN Instant Messenger, a rather young New God with an obnoxious older twin brother that talks too much. MSN is outgoing, perky and personable with a tendency to strike up conversations with perfect strangers and occasionally has problems separating someone he knows via his medium with meeting them on the street for the first time. Currently, he works as a communications director and general IT guy with a city planning firm and he does enjoy wandering about the city. His full bio is here and he’s open for plots with any type of character!

All of my info in the contact list is up to date; AIM is generally a good bet for getting a hold of me since I'm often around for plotting.
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[Aug. 16th, 2010|09:31 pm]


This is just me making this unofficial slowatus official. Don't be afraid to nudge me about things via e-mail or comments, just know I might take a while to respond to things both ic and ooc as I sort out Real Life and its attendant sudden deluge of curveballs.

xoxo, Catwo (Codeine, Duma, Hemera, Jörmungandr, Khaos, Merlin, Perses)
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[Aug. 16th, 2010|09:58 pm]
In my defense, when I dropped her, I did say that I was going to bring her back eventually. And lookie there, I did. After the last HMD, I actively attempted to flesh out some more diverse plot and being largely unable to do so with any of my current characters I contemplated bringing someone entire new in before I checked my sanity and pulled La Llorona from the discard bin instead. And it seems that there will be plot aplenty for her.

Because look at her. She's gorgeous.

She's been in Texas, the Gulf and also Arizona a little bit in the past few months, but now she's back and tending to her orphanage in New York again.

As always, single men don't hit her radar at all and married/spoken-for men only hit it for long enough to trigger her instincts to seduce, then drown. It's probably also a good idea to keep your children away from her. Aztecs, other mothers-from-hell and serial killers with alarmingly good masks are open and welcome for plot. And, of course, if you have a man in a relationship you would like to have tempted... she's happy to try to cause them to stray. It's a fun game for her.

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AIM would like to thank you all for your worship! [Aug. 16th, 2010|10:46 pm]
Hello, all! This is AIM, otherwise known as AOL Instant Messenger, otherwise known as Aidan Commodore. His information, including his familial connections, is here!

He works in the AIM branch of AOL headquarters in NYC as a statistical analyst, keeping track of the growth of his userbase. He also writes rather bad short stories (thank you, AIM-based roleplay!) that don't include many original concepts, just plots jumbled together from the plethora of writing that happens through his medium. Of course, he's never been published. Personality-wise, he tends to live in his own head (translation: he's in your IMs, reading your convos) and sometimes needs to be dragged outside into the real world. Apart from that, he's generally rather cheerful, very conversational, but does take pleasure in watching online drama unfold within his program. Plot-wise, he's open for interaction with all internet/media/geekery-related characters, as well as random interaction, as he's rather versatile.

He also says that if you see some guy wandering around who looks exactly like him, but is far more very annoying, pay him no mind. He's just a cheap imitation. XD

I can be reached on AIM at double8think for all plotting purposes!

- Seana (Marijuana, the Marijuana Party, Methadone, GHB, LGBTQ Culture, Hockey, Classical Music, AIM, and Limos.)
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