Forgotten Gods - August 7th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 7th, 2010

[Aug. 7th, 2010|12:29 am]
Hey hullo! Hiatus is hiatused. I'm back!

For greetings/reprimands, please press 1.

For plottings, please press 2 or email me (strangelylovely at gmail) or hunt me down on AIM if you can catch me.

For all other needs, please press 0 or stay on the line.

-Chels (Étaín)
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hey hey you you [Aug. 7th, 2010|01:42 am]

Happy Saturday everyone! (Well, it's happy for me.) While I'm anxiously awaiting this month's HMD, I'd like to take this time to say some of my kids are a bit lonely and need some play, since I didn't app them just to sit on them and spit out the occasional post. I don't want to be one of those people, soooo follow me, for I am a cut. )

p.s. This is Angie, for those of you who don't know who I play. /pointed look to Somebody

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