Forgotten Gods - June 29th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 29th, 2010

Because why fight the disease when it hurts so good? [Jun. 29th, 2010|02:09 pm]
Fancy meeting you here again, FG. No, no, I didn't expect to be back so soon either, but might as well make the most of it, eh?

This lovely lady here is Melissa Kwan, despite the fact that I told myself months ago I had no interest in having a Token Mortal. The idea was made worth it, somehow.

Anywho, she is an indecisive med student with a history of depression and self-destructive tendencies [which are coincidentally everyone's favourite kind of tendencies, amirite?]. Thanks to all those fun issues she is a bit behind in life, but she's done a bang-up job of catching up. She is currently dating who she doesn't know is King Arthur, which is definitely not the entire reason I apped her, nope. Melissa is friendly and funny, but her practicality can make her a bit of a killjoy when people get stupid [yet hilarious] ideas.

She is PB'd by the amazing Sandra Oh, who I swear was chosen because she is beautiful and Asian, not because she stars in a medical drama and Melissa's a med student. >__> Seriously guise.

As usual, hmd and stuff is in her journal, and you can reach me at Judo Creature on AIM if you want to plot.

--Judo; Chimaera, Kumiho, Eve, Boudicca, Sloth, Asteria
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