Forgotten Gods - June 28th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 28th, 2010

fffuuuu [Jun. 28th, 2010|04:15 pm]
Motherf-- okay, you know when I said I was coming back after dropping off the face of the earth? And then I didn't? Consider this my second apology. I only just got some meds, so fingers-crossed things will work out this time! Too bad it's probably not a miracle drug.

Those affected were: Lamia, Nut, Mnemosyne, Pan, Soda, Iseult, Vicodin, Verrine, Sedna, Barachiel, Freyja and Calypso. I'm super sorry, and I'm suuuure I've missed out on something, so if there's a post you think one of mine would've probably replied to, hit me up or drop me a link! Also, thank you for the responses on my last apology post. They were really sweet.

- Angie, mean umbrellas
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