Forgotten Gods - June 11th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 11th, 2010

Semi-hiatus / snail time [Jun. 11th, 2010|06:11 am]


Good morning, FG~

It is paper time! But that's not so important actually. What is important, however, is that the World Cup starts today! 8D Library and football times will probably eat up most of my waking hours, so I'll be even slower than usual.

Still contactable via email should you need to get in touch~ ^_^

-- Ling
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[Jun. 11th, 2010|06:22 pm]



Hi guys,

Just a quick reminder to everybody about our policy on mature content. While I am a strong believer in not stifling players' creativity, I'm also sensitive to the fact that not everybody is so comfortable exploring or reading about particularly dark, explicit or triggering material. It can be off-putting for some players to scroll through the flist and be confronted with references to rape, paedophilia, child abuse, and other triggering themes -- and likewise for potential players, who may be given the wrong idea about the game and be discouraged from joining.

For this reason, any entries rated R or higher -- including those containing descriptions or discussions of child abuse and paedophilia -- must be friends locked. This goes for character journals as well as the main comm. I would also urge people to make use of LJ-cuts in journals when discussing potentially upsetting material. Just spare a thought for the flist!

- Jess
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