Forgotten Gods - June 10th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 10th, 2010

[Jun. 10th, 2010|12:11 am]
[mood | pleased]

Hello! I am a newbie! My name is Lara, and I happen to live with one Circe in cold New Zealand. She is my housemate and this is all her fault.

I am already hooked. I have two characters and a third I will be apping tomorrow because I have a SICKNESS for role-playing games.

My characters at the moment are Patroclus [info]borrowed_armor and Baphomet (this journal). Bios:


I can't add my contact details to the thingamy yet, but I can be emailed at the nerdiest email that ever nerded, And I have a personal IJ at [info]artemisofluna and the same (and actually used) at Livejournal. It's linked from the IJ. I'll add anyone!

And I love suggestions for plots! Patroclus is involved with Achilles and Briseis, obviously, but Baphomet is entirely free to play! He likes playing! And look how tasty he is, too!

It is lovely to be here with you all, and I can't wait to meet you and start playing!
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