Forgotten Gods - May 7th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 7th, 2010

[May. 7th, 2010|03:10 pm]
Kuna [triphop, hojing] is off hiatus! Hooray! Apologies to people I've been holding up, will tag immediately.

p. s. whoa, the fuck has all happened since I left?
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Token intro post. [May. 7th, 2010|03:39 pm]


Which will be brief because there are bigger things going on in-game and I'm taking a few days FG-light anyway.

Hi! This is Dora. You might know me as the player of Divorce, Lucifer, or some other character who has been a pain in your ass. This is Zepar. He's one of Hell's manymanymany aristocrats whom no one gives a crap about. Zepar's known for having a bunch of demon-bitch legions, making women fall in love ("love") with men who call on him, shapeshifting into the man of a woman's choice, and oh by the way causing infertility in ladies as weird chauvinistic payback and maybe pederasty.

That said, folks don't really summon demons much these days, so other than his annual pilgrimage topside to meet his quota, he prefers to stick it out in Hell where Zepar's more famous for hosting soirees. Because why waste time mingling with the plebs when home sweet home's got everything a guy could want? He is basically Hell's party monster. Everyone is invited, and it's BYOB (bring your own backstabbing).

Contact info's same as ever, though I'll be a bit radio silent this weekend. Ta!
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