Forgotten Gods - May 6th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 6th, 2010

ciao bella~ ♫ [May. 6th, 2010|07:38 am]
Surgery in three hours. .__. See you kids on the flip side! If I'm a little behind in tags/replies, I'll try my hardest to get back to you ASAP without stressing myself out. ♥ Don't have too much fun without me! In the meantime, I'll chip away at my holds (and overdose on Pokemans on my DS). X)

This (still) effects: Lamia, Pan, Mnemosyne, Nut, Freyja, Vicodin, and Verrine

✿ Angie
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[May. 6th, 2010|07:45 am]

Because Photoshop is addictive, and so are these girls: )
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Cast of Forgotten Gods [May. 6th, 2010|10:23 am]
Unfortunately, time to write and read is difficult to come by lately. My boyfriend, who has just returned from a deployment, is about to leave for 3.5 months of training, which came as a surprise to us. We've spent the last few weeks cramming in as much time as possible. Because of that and the onset of my busy season at work, I haven't had time to write or read as I should, and this game requires much of both! I'm not sure when I can return to being prolific and I'd hate to fall short of standards.

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in Forgotten Gods, which has a great concept and fantastic writing. I'm happy to have been accepted and am sad to take Adrenaline out for now. Life simply won't allow me to play her to satisfaction.

Best of luck to you! Hopefully I'll have a chance to write with some of you in the future.

Kate G (Adrenaline)
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[May. 6th, 2010|01:02 pm]
All right, so, the Black Out is officially up and running and I just thought I’d take a second to give a general overview for people who aren’t really sure what to make of this thing. New York City, both modern mecca and target for all sorts of unpleasantness, is ‘functioning’ without lights for twenty minutes. That may not sound like much, but for a city of this size ten minutes without lights would be a challenge, twenty more or less qualifies as Disaster and it earns that capital. Consider the following:

-no traffic lights.
-no interior lights – this means in the home, in the work place, in hospitals, banks, shops, prisons, you get the idea.
- there are sounds in the dark, and those sounds are very definitely not friendly.
- on top of the sounds, people can feeling things in the dark that are very definitely not human.
- Di Nocti are running around, playing up the chaos.

The bottom line? Mortals are going to die, on the operating table (since there are no lights), in riots (because hi? Freaking out much?) crossing the street and probably just because the Di Nocti are feeling playful and that’s what humans are there for. Just a few things to keep in mind as you think about reactions to the sudden change in lighting the city is experiencing.

Once again, just a quick reminder, the only people are getting a warmy, fuzzy feeling are the Di Omnes Nocti - everyone else is getting the unfriendly, cold, mocking darkness that has the uncanny ability to play up a person's fears.

Any questions, hit me up and I'll do my best to answer and anyone who would like to thread with Erebos himself, just let me know. Have fun, guys!

EDIT: Just in case it got lost in translation anywhere; the black out occurs in the middle of the day and blocks out the sun. There's no moon, no stars, so part of the panic is the distinct lack of heavenly light for twenty minutes in the middle of the day.

EDIT TWO: Another point of clarification (I should never be in charge of explanations, it seems) gods of the Underworld, darkness, shadows, etc. that are not of Night's brood won't feel at home in this black out; various mythologies treat darkness differently, Erebos darkness is not Hel's darkness is not Ereshkigal's darkness, and extending outward. Even in Greek mythology, the darkness of Erebos was seperate from, say, Hekate or Hades. Precisely how the other deities associated with night and darkness are doing could be all over the map. For Ereshkigal it brought back her worst memories, left her feeling alone and adrift because something that should have belonged to her (namely, the dark) didn't, instead it was alien and hostile. That level of reaction may not be true for everyone, but it is something to keep in mind. Thanks!
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Slowatus ;_; [May. 6th, 2010|03:29 pm]
I really hate having to do this so soon after joining, but I'm going to have to go into a state of slow-atus until May 23rd (showtime!). I will still be around for threading and plotting, so feel free to message me on AIM (manyverses) or DM me here!

My work outs and rehearsals for RHPS are just kicking my ass and making my schedule very unreliable. If I could give exact hours where I wouldn't be available, I would in a heart beat, but I'm working around other people's schedules. It's fun, but it definitely cuts into my online/awake/alive/not braindead time! ;_;

So, AIM or DM me if you need to get some Polyhymnia into your threads/plots/life!!
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