Forgotten Gods - April 27th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 27th, 2010

[Apr. 27th, 2010|10:42 pm]


Please welcome aboard Selene, goddess of the moon, the month, childbirth, all-nourishing dew, and lunacy. She's a daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister to Helios and Eos (all of whom she would LOOOVE to see). In myth, she asked Zeus to put the mortal Endymion into an eternal sleep so that he would never die or age. From him she had fifty daughters, each representing one Greek month. Overall, she's a pretty friendly person unless you mess with her family. She doesn't like causing others to go lunatic, but if it comes to that she can get pretty vicious. That's pretty much her way of fighting, anyway. Profile is here. Once again, this is Angela. Horrible intro, but I'm tired and need to get to bed.
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Trust him. He's a doctor. [Apr. 27th, 2010|11:45 pm]
Hello all! This is Seana (MJ, etc), proving that while FG is addictive, a certain subsection of FG is even more addictive. Thus, this is omg my third Drug Methadone, a synthetic Opioid and the youngest member of the Opiate family. He goes by Eli Hoechst, MD, and will be arriving in NYC shortly to begin a residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in their methadone treatment clinic. I could babble forever about his personality and history, but I've already done that to the point of breaking my brain in his bio, so if you're curious, feel free to check it out!

Plotwise, he'll be oh-so-carefully announcing his presence to certain members of the Drug Family, and, Vari, Tess, Catwo, I'll be bugging you for threads, both past and present, soon. Cassie, I read that street methadone is sometimes sold to meth addicts to help them sleep, so there could be a fun dynamic to play around with there. Kendra, there's definitely some fun stuff we could work with regarding Rehab and Methadone. And, also, anyone involved in healing/medicine/etc, I'd totally be up to discussing plottage. Open to figuring out plot with anyone, really!

Generally, he's a nice guy, unless you're trying to take his users, and, well, he plays fast and loose with his prescription pad? That's gotta make him some friends. XD Feel free to IM me at double8think for chatting/plotting/etc. <3!
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