Forgotten Gods - March 30th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 30th, 2010

[Mar. 30th, 2010|12:56 am]
Woo! Pasithea's back!

This is Pasithea, daughter of Dionysus and Hera, wife of Hypnos, handmaiden to Aphrodite, and supposed mortal high school drop out. I've played her here before, and um, I have no idea what else to say aside from the fact that you can check out her bio here.

Oh, right, she's the goddess of hallucinatory drugs and hallucinations. And she's Greek.

Plot fun times? I'm on AIM at an amazon BLT.

Oh, again, right. This is Kendra, by the way XD!

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Ask me about the floation devices. Come on, ASK ME! [Mar. 30th, 2010|09:05 am]



Translation: I'm back.
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Short mini-hiatus---more like a wave for a few days [Mar. 30th, 2010|11:41 am]


Hey guys just giving you the heads up that starting Thursday morning I'm going to be out of town. I'm going to Boston for a week for the anime convention and spending a few days extra with my friends that live up there. I'll be gone from April 1-6. I may get some net service on my iPod, but I can't promise anything. So any tags I owe, and plots I have going will continue when I'm back (including the mortal convention plot idea). I'll update a little here and there before I go.

As far as characters go, Achilles is visiting an old Vietnam comrade in the hospital, Kenneth is dealing with movie promotion stuffs, Dion is partying (whats new), Eros is still MIA, Baron is flying out of the state, the others aren't doing much to explain. I hope you guys have fun for the weekend and I will see you when I get back!!!! XD

And email me (OR TEXT if you have my number, if you don't well then I'm sorry :(), because I can still check that on my phone even if I cannot update. If you have any questions, ideas, or just want to talk (Ren loves spam mail from this place) XD

*loves and hugs*

Will miss you guys!

(Achilles, Dionysus, The Red Baron, Bohemianism, Robin Hood, Eros, Penelope, Kenneth Rhodes and Andrés Saldana)
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