Forgotten Gods - March 29th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 29th, 2010

Don't be thick or you're liable to get licked [Mar. 29th, 2010|02:26 am]
Hey FG!

It's Kate (Jason, Helenus), here again, with character number three. Grindhouse. Yes, that's Megan Fox. It's all Jennifer's Body's fault. She's a new god, and pretty young among them; she's only been around since the 60s. She's feisty, fierce, loves a good time, fast cars, good company (as long as you're good looking and get the job done, chances are she won't care much WHO you are), and has super violent moodswings.

Feel free to ping me on AIM at Achaean Strings if you want to throw anything (and gods, do I mean ANYTHING) at her.

HOWEVER, this post is also doubling as a slowatus post. I have Sakuracon this weekend (the big anime convention for those of you familiar with the scene on the West Coast), and I'll be getting my shit together for that all week, and will be pretty sporadic this weekend. I'll be around, and my AIM should still be on for the most part, but I'll be slow and not around as often. Everything should be back to normal next week.

Thanks guys, and ILU ♥!
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[Mar. 29th, 2010|04:42 am]


I have nothing witty to say, I blame the time.

So, yeah. Meet The Sphinx. She likes riddles. And strangling people. She's a bit...crazy (she got put in an asylum for a while, and that was fun...>.>). Her full profile is Here.

Plot and backstory is appreciated. And while I'm at it any plot for the other 12 ohdeargodthirteennow someone help me is much appreciated as well.

Charlie (Set, Sekhmet, Absinthe, Arachne, Daphne, Epona, Lady Liberty, Huitzilopotchli, Himeros, Apate, Alicia Green with Frederick as her NPC, Clio and now The Sphinx)

I might be willing to sell my soul for an Oedipus, because hoy conflict?
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[Mar. 29th, 2010|11:50 pm]


Yo kids, I'm back with a post-hiatus hangover from hell. I'm breaking my own heart and dropping all my kids (Ollie and the Dormice, Inhalants and Deimos) apart from LSD.

I feel crappy about it, especially Deimos, but there's only so much fail I can dish out and at least now it'll all be concentrated on my first kidlet.

I'm still on and my AIM is still dead as a doornail, so hit me up on that if you want to line. I return hungry for SL!

That is all

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how can I help you how can I help you how can I help you [Mar. 29th, 2010|11:51 pm]
Hi, my name is Kuna. Welcome to Panera on W-- Hang on, no. Sorry. Just got off work, still in the mode of corporate mind-slave.

Hi, my name is Kuna, and I am pretty okay! I like all sorts of music, particularly weird indie and synthpop, animals, body modification, art, gardening, and rubbing my naked body in baskets of kittens and baby bunnies.

What you are probably more interested in is hojing, rather, the Huli Jing, who conveniently completes the Azn fox trio. Following the pattern of the other two, she is a mischievous fox spirit who delights in pulling pranks. Unlike our favorite Korean bitch, she's not particularly interested in ripping anyone's heart out (aside from maybe Kumiho herself...) but she's hardly nice either. She botches up plastic surgery jobs for fun and profit, after all. She isn't exactly kitsune-playful, either. She's the sort of person who likes to think of herself as calm, stately and dignified, and then sets a rival's house on fire.

She's sweet. Honest.

If you're interested in logging with a painstakingly formal, arrogant, slightly evil plastic surgeon who resides in SoHo, or even hearing more about her, let me know. I can be easily contacted by my AIM, a1kuna or my email, I'm open for all sorts of plotting.
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