Forgotten Gods - March 23rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods OOC

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March 23rd, 2010

A switcheroo and a story. [Mar. 23rd, 2010|07:28 pm]
So, once upon a time there was a player named Amy. She had many characters, one of whom was Bast. So once upon a time, Amy's muse and ability to write Bast in any way withered and died of dysentery while fording the river. So, without any warning to the people she played with, Amy dropped Bast.

Then, Amy went to forgotten_ooc to apologize profusely to the lovely people she plays with, with the explanation that Bast really wasn't doing much anyway, and that she really is very sorry that it didn't work out.


To make up for it and for the upcoming abrupt tense change, I have a new character! She's Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of knowledge and music. Saraswati's a pretty cool lady, all about purification and the elevation of the spirit and blah blah blah, and loves music. You can read more about her here.

She's only been in America for a few decades, but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if any of the Music gods (or anyone tangentially related to knowledge or the arts) out there want to plot with me. :]

As always, I love to chat and plot with everybody and anybody, and my AIM is socksaresocky.
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[Mar. 23rd, 2010|08:58 pm]
See Kates. Hi Kates, hi. See Kates app another character within a few days of apping Gore. Kates has no willpower. Go Kates, go!

So yeah. This is John Wilkes Booth. Yep, THAT Booth. And yep, he's a god. Lord help us all. US Folklore gods/any relevant new gods, let's talk cause I'm fairly certain a lot/most of you know this guy and his crazy president-killing ways!
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