Forgotten Gods - March 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 22nd, 2010

I am getting perilously close to that dreaded number... [Mar. 22nd, 2010|04:07 pm]


[mood | naughty]

Why hello hello my darling little FG cupcakes, all covered in delicious sprinkles of evil and awesome. Mmmm, evil sprinkles. (Oh, and crack. Definitely crack-filled cupcakes.)

Aaaaanyway, here's yet another freaking character from Circe - Amara Anastasis, also known as The Phoenix. It's been around for a long while, switching between genders and cities, and currently is living in Chelsea under a female persona and as an glass artist.

She's kind and sweet, and despite being Greek (mostly) she feels very close to the good side of the Christian pantheon and will be chilling with the angels and saints who let her. (Her full bio is here!)
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[Mar. 22nd, 2010|04:47 pm]
I am officially back on hiatus (mods notified!). Life... got worse. So yeah. I will be back, I'm just not sure when.

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[Mar. 22nd, 2010|07:25 pm]


Sorry to those I owe tags and plots to, but hiatus for me for at least the next week.  Might be around sporadically, but my apologies in advance for even less activity from this quarter.  Anything pressing, you can hit me via e-mail. 

Again, my apologies to those I'm working with for even longer wait times.
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