Forgotten Gods - February 18th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 18th, 2010

Apology/MEME [Feb. 18th, 2010|11:21 am]


[music |"Achilles Heel" by Toploader]

I have been absent for a little bit, feeling a tad overwhelmed in RL as in RP land and decided to take a few days break. I should be back this weekend sometime, I just needed some time to myself. Trying to find a new job is never fun or easy. The current job I have is a night shift and I have an hours drive so you can imagine the lack of brain cells I have by the time I get home around 10:30. Bleh. Not to mention I've been holed up in finishing reading my book The War That Killed Achilles. 73 pages to go!

So I apologize for my absence. I do not come empty handed! I have a meme for you guys!

1. Go to Youtube
2. Type in your character's name
3. See what random video's (simply based on the name alone) you can find that are interesting be it music
videos, just whatever.

(preferably something not related to a movie/tv show however, because that's too
obvious, but if you find something unique feel free to share it)

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