Forgotten Gods - February 17th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 17th, 2010

it takes 2 to tango // but tango's child's play // get on the dance floor // twist the night away [Feb. 17th, 2010|11:47 am]

Introducing the "It Takes-2-Thread" meme.

Let's make this simple, friendlies: got a character bumming around, doing nada? Feeling antsy and unproductive? Want to fatten up your monster's little black book? Bored? Then do something about it.

1) Post with whatever character(s) you'd like to thread more/meet new people.
2) Post NEW if you'd like to play with someone you've never "met" before. Post ANY if you'll to play with anyone, new or familiar.
3) Browse to see if there's anyone offered you'd like to partner.
4) Have fun, kids, and get off my lawn.

Elizzzzzzzzzabeth? The poster is 85% for you.
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The fall-out from 'Eros Gone Wild' isn't allll bad... depending on how you look at it. [Feb. 17th, 2010|07:29 pm]


Hello, all! Seana here (MJ, etc), introducing a shiny new NPC. For twenty four hours, the god of the Republican Party and the god of LGBTQ culture were in love with each other. That love, their proximity, their powers interacting, gave the Log Cabin Republican Movement the extra boost it needed to take form as a god. This is Lincoln Briggs Smith-Stonewall, the personfication of that movement and the son of James and Glibt. Like the First Family tree wasn't Greek enough. XD

He'll be working part-time at James' firm and part-time at the NYC chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans and, after James and Glibt argue for hours over living arrangements, will eventually have his own apartment. He's a shared NPC; both Shay and I will be taking his reins as the situation dictates. Any and all plot is welcome, feel free to IM me at double8think or Shay at nebbsies. <3!
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[Feb. 17th, 2010|09:35 pm]


Health and scheduling reasons are going to make me very scarce the next few days. I may be around a bit for comments, but probably not much on AIM or on catching up on all those tags. If anyone does need anything, please do e-mail me. Even if I can't respond right away, I try to be quick with it. I hope very much to be back full-force on Tuesday. - Cat

(Morpheus, Iris, Triton, Boreas, Caerus, Astraios, Khione, Tartaros, Physics, Chastity, Belphegor, Horror & Corvina, John T, Maarten, Oliver)
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