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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Jul. 8th, 2010|05:34 pm]

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Who: Martel ([info]firetongue) and Lust ([info]redhots)
When: Thursday, July 8th
Where: Greed's NYC Homestead
What: Just a bit of girl talk

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[Jun. 16th, 2010|02:01 am]

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Who: Lust ([info]redhots ) and a shamelessly borrowed Greed ([info]notenough ) and Martel ([info]firetongue )
When: At the same time this is taking place
Where: Greed's NYC abode
What: Tuning in and cutting the cord

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Friendly Sibling Rivalry... Or not. [Jun. 3rd, 2010|05:00 pm]

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Who: Chimaera [[info]firetongue] & Kerberos [[info]pyrrhicwin]
What: A violent, angry reunion. Whoops.
When: Thursday, June third.
Where: Some alley somewhere.
Warnings: Violence. Excessive I'm-not-sure-if-that's-cute-or-just-weird on Martel's part.
Notes: Started in Gdocs, but still in progress.

She fretted to and fro, switching between pacing around anxiously and sitting in front of a window with her forehead pressed against the frozen glass. )
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[Feb. 19th, 2010|02:12 pm]

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Who: Raum, Martel (The Chimera), & Greed
What: Two Christians and a Greek walked into a bar...
When: Backdated - Tuesday, February 16 (Mardi Gras)
Where: Bourbon St., New Orleans
Warning: R, most likely.

Four years later, the city was up and sinning without missing a beat. Now that was dedication. )
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We Were Never Being Boring. [Feb. 18th, 2010|06:28 pm]

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Who: The Chimaera [[info]firetongue ] and Mona [[info]itsnotyouitsme ]
What: First meeting. Brace yourself.
Where: Windsor Court Hotel.
When: TBD
Warnings: Awesome. None.

She remained steadfast to her master's maybe-orders, not straying from the hotel penthouse even once. )
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The Beast That Lay Dying. [Jan. 17th, 2010|03:08 am]

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Who: Greed [[info]notenough] and the Chimera [[info]firetongue]
What: A Sin walks into a building, and stumbles upon a chained animal.
Where: One of Greed's many warehouses.
When: Four in the morning on January seventeenth.
Warnings: Language, violence, blood, blatant social awkwardness.

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