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Forgotten Gods RPG

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There is life outside your apartment [Aug. 23rd, 2010|06:06 pm]

[Current Mood |frustrated]

Who: Thaumas ([info]seawonders)
What: Trivial Monday afternoon, a camera, a crate of bananas, a recalcitrant model, and bubble tea.
Where: Palm Springs, CA
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: None

There's a girl passing by. No, I think it's a guy. )
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What makes men run? Do we really know who we are? [Jun. 25th, 2010|04:29 pm]

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Who: Poseidon ([info]wheresmytrident) & Thaumas ([info]seawonders)
What: Engaging the Ocean King's hospitality (i.e. freeloading).
Where: Poseidon's home, Hawaii
When: Friday evening
Warnings: None for now.

What makes the boats leave? What makes the birds fly? What makes the idiots smile? )
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[Jun. 23rd, 2010|11:41 am]

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Who: Thaumas, Iris
What: A father is found by his daughter
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: A random city street
Warnings: None

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