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Sandpaper Kisses [Dec. 30th, 2010|10:41 pm]
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WHO: Castor and Pollux ([info]thedioscuri) and Syrinx ([info]syrinx)
WHAT: The twins take the doggie out for a walk, then miraculously find their way home.
WHERE: Downtown, then the twins' place
WHEN: Backdated to December 18th, following this
WARNINGS: Makeouts. Yeah.

But it all leads to this. )
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[Dec. 17th, 2010|07:00 am]

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Who:Syrinx ([info]syrinx) & Pollux ([info]thedioscuri)
What: Bonding time between Syrinx and Pollux, not all the nymphs are having a bad time?
When: After this
Where: The twin's apartment
Warnings: None, just cute.

too weak, too strong to cut the chord )
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Please don't wake me, no don't shake me -- [Nov. 28th, 2010|11:52 pm]
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WHO: Apollo ([info]apollimi), Castor and Pollux ([info]thedioscuri), and briefly Syrinx ([info]syrinx)
WHAT: Nymphdumping. Again.
WHERE: The twins' place
WHEN: Early Saturday morning
WARNINGS: Angry gods. And sleepy ones, too.

Leave me where I am -- I'm only sleeping. )
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Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart-- [Nov. 28th, 2010|07:57 pm]
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WHO: Pan ([info]pantastic) and Syrinx ([info]syrinx)
WHAT: Brief encounters.
WHERE: Apollo and Syrinx' hotel room
WHEN: Thanksgiving night
NOTES: Not so much a log as a narrative thing.

Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart. )
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[Nov. 25th, 2010|12:22 am]

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Who: Pan [[info]pantastic] & Syrinx [[info]syrinx] (Mentions of Apollo [[info]apollimi] & Castor [[info]thedioscuri])
What: Followed on from events here, a meeting that has taken far too many centuries.
Where: Bacchus, Dionysus' bar
When: November 17, evening
Warnings: PG-13, implied violence, abuse- possessive Gods.

then you breathed your breath in me )
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[Nov. 13th, 2010|03:48 am]
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Who: Syrinx [NPC; [info]jerusalem] mentions of Apollo [[info]apollimi] & Belphegor [[info]aperire]
What: Acquiring new instruments.
When: A week or so ago.
Where: Woods to the Lux.
Warnings: Implications of violence/abuse. My writing fails. /shot

I have seen a thousand fractures )
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