Forgotten Gods [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Apr. 14th, 2010|04:03 pm]

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Who: Huli Jing and The Sphinx
What: Trying to teach a monster about being a person
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The alley behind Hojing's apartment in SoHo
Warning: Mentions of death, cannibalism, creepy Sphinx, TBD

The Sphinx was happy to laze the day away )
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Imminent bloodshed, if not worse. [Apr. 11th, 2010|04:04 pm]
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Who: Kumiho ([info]vexevix), Kitsune ([info]hasunix), Huli Jing ([info]xiahuxin)
In-home family time.
Where: Re: In-home. Apartment in SoHo.
When: 03.10.2010 Saturday.
Warnings: Imminent bloodshed. Probably strong language, possible allusions to drug use, ridiculously high levels of cattiness... otherwise yet to be determined.

We bring gifts of mischief, mayhem and extremely classy violence. )
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