Forgotten Gods [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Sep. 27th, 2010|09:55 am]

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Who: Henbane and Datura
Where: Tea's place
When: Backdated to September 24, afternoon
Rating/Warnings: tbd

No more stalking )
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[Aug. 9th, 2010|08:37 pm]
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[Current Mood |excited]
[Current Music |Adam Lambert - Master Plan]

Who: Datura and Henbane
What: Two sisters re-uniting
Where: The house Henbane is living in
When: Monday night.
Warnings: TBD (likely none)

We are the ones who have no reservations )
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[Jul. 22nd, 2010|12:24 pm]


Who: Henbane and OPEN
Where: Laker Swimming Pool
When: July 22, midday
Rating/Warnings: tbd

Who knew she was a pool type of goddess? )
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[Jun. 28th, 2010|02:11 pm]

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Who: Henbane and Clio
Where: New York City Library
When: June 28, afternoon
Rating/Warnings: tbd

Crack )
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